Digital Beer Cam! Help with pics


Uber Metal
Hello everyone. Some of you may remember my sob story of dropping my new 500.00 camera into my beer. ( a classic PP moment ) It happened last year too. Kinda. Anyway, if any of you have any band shots or pics of me that you may have taken, I would MUCH appreciate some help in filling up my PPV folder. I have some Dreamscape pics and that's about it. So, consider it a charity event for those of us too drunk to keep our cameras OUT of our beverage!:yell: My gratitude would only be exceeded by my appreciation. Send contributions to my email.

The camera may be toast, but the pictures may still reside in memory. What kind of memory card does it have? If it matches the one in my camera I may be able to extract the images and burn them onto a CD for you.
More than likely everything is toast. If have renters insurance call them up and tell them that you dropped your camera in a pop. They should be able to cover you. As far as the pics on the card go, there is a slim change that its not hosed depending if power was supplied to the memory card at anytime when it was shorted out in the liquid. You need to pull the card out and clean it up with a damp papertowel. Take it to a Walgreens where they have a Kodak photo station with card readers and try to read it.

Thanks guys!! I use an SD card and it still reads. Thing happened early in the weekend. Just after Dreamscape.... *blub,blub,blub*

I got some party pics, but not as many as I'd like. Thanks to those of you who have posted some of your pics already in other threads. I can work from some of those. Sucks not having me in anything though. I couldn't ask a band for pics or anything the rest of the weekend.:cry: They're not MY memories in specific, even though I experienced them in some form or fashion.
(note to self) "Super small digi cams are OUT! " Owners of the Optio S by Pentax beware while wearing it around your neck, it might take a swim when you're not looking!!!

I need to bust out on a Rebel anyway!! It wasn't good for stage shots.
I do have an extended warranty which should get it fixed with some fees. I'll simply sell this cam for a better one that's less compact and more brutal when it comes to pic taking!