Digitech Whammy Wah

is that the digitech whammy pedal-that goes up or down two octaves and/or harmonizes?if so,then yeah,their really cool.the guitarist in my band has one and thier a lot of fun.many of the funny noises that morello makes on that first rage against the machine album were done with an old whammy.dont know if that sells it to you or not?!?
lots of fun,and some cool sounds.they are a bit pricey though.if you can get one cheap,then i'd say yes.
i want a locking trem but dont really want a new guitar
can it be used to get simmilar sounds to a floyd rose or am i way off the mark here. i was considering a harmoniser but this could be worth a look if it does both
yep,thats the kiddy hellmaster-thats a whammy 2.
thats what my guitarist has.i have an old whammy 1 somewhere,brought it about 9 years ago for the guitarist in a band i used to be in.they are lots of fun,but with all digitech products,they dont help the sound of your guitar too much.they seem to add a slightly metallic edge to your sound if you know what i mean.
they are still a great thing to play around with.like i say,listen to that first rage album and you'll hear some of what it can do.
does than mean that my whole sound will have that 'sterile digitech tone' or does it only kick in with the whammy pedal. i could deal with that but if it were constant i think it would start to shit me...