"Dimebag" Darrell Abbott

Oct 20, 2005
It's coming close to it being a year since Dimebag passed away, I would just like to see what people have to say about the amazing guitarist. Please leave your comments. Personally I loved Dime, still do, he was an amazing influential guitarist and a beautiful funny person, well from what I've seen and heard. R.I.P. Dime you will always be in our hearts.
Dimebag ruled:worship:
Pantera were the first band I ever saw (supporting Megadeth @ Hammersmith, London). The next day I bought "Cowboys From Hell" and "Vulgar Display Of Power" and was completely hooked. Pantera were my favourite band for years and I went to see them several more times. As a guitarist I worshipped Dimebag and definitely rated him as the greatest guitarist around. Some of my proudest moments have been learning Dimebag's solos note-for-note. In fact, the first band I ever played with made "Fuckin' Hostile" our first attempted cover song.

The last time I saw Dimebag perform was at Download with Damageplan. Then I met him the next day at The Metal Hammer Awards (albeit briefly). He was extremely drunk at this event and (unintentionally?) really funny. A few weeks after this and he was gone!
The world is definitely worse-off for losing Dimebag. I'm sure he'll remain one of metal's (and the guitar-world's) greatest icons for many years to come:headbang:
Weakness said:
Only the good die young.. A true legend who will be missed for generations to come..

I loved what you said. :)

Pantera was the first metal band I listened, too bad I was too young to go to their shows here in Argentina, so...
That day I arrived to Buenos Aires to see the G3 Tour and I went to a cyber coffee to check my e-mails with a couple of friends who travelled from Uruguay to see the show too. So I log in in here and I saw a post where it said: RIP Dimebag and I thought: God damn Gunhaver! ('cause he always flamed Pantera and stuff) and well... you know the rest.

Then, at night we went to this concert, Vai and Satriani dedicated each one a song to Dimebag... that was kind of them. Vai's drummer burst into tears and heh... we did the same.
We enjoyed the show, but it was a very strange night to all, since my friends were and still are, big fans of Pantera.

He will be always remembered. He inspired legions and legions of fans AND bands, so he deserves a lot of respect for that.

R.I.P buddy...

to quote a friend of mine.. "dimebag darrell is gone, god just wanted a drinking partner." we all miss him, r.i.p.
If Dimebag had've died in about 2001 then my life would have truly been over (I would play Pantera all day every day), but I went off them after that. I was still distraught the day he died, and his music will definitely live on through, at least, my guitar, though I know of many others like me.

The second worst thing about Dime's death (other than the fact that he ceased to live) was how many idiots acted like it was the end of the world for them yet they hadn't even heard of him beforehand. I personally knew a few people, one who punched a wall and broke all of his fingers, yet I'd only introduced him to Pantera about 2 days before.
I remember when i would try to get the cowboys from hell solo right 'till my fingers hurt. I felt physically sick after the news of his death, i thought it was a sick joke. A true inspiration to so many.

RIP Dime
i loved dime so much, i still sit in awe when i see the domination solo live on the reinventing hell dvd. he is a true innovator.

one thing puzzles me. do we in the UK remember him on the 8th or the 9th? as it was the 8th that he died, but it was 3am in the UK on the 9th that he actually died for us?!
I've been a pantera fan for a long time now. I feel very lucky to have caught them live. Dime was without doubt one of the greatest talents in metal. I tell you, I drank plenty of jack after I heard the news. it wasn't till I startd reading all the comments about his death that it really started to hit me. I kno that no one is goiing to come out and say they hated him just after he dies, but I thought the outpouring of respect and condolences was really moving and I like to think that at least in this case, they were very genuine.

A one off genius, that can never be replaced. We miss you!
godhead_lament said:
i loved dime so much, i still sit in awe when i see the domination solo live on the reinventing hell dvd. he is a true innovator.

one thing puzzles me. do we in the UK remember him on the 8th or the 9th? as it was the 8th that he died, but it was 3am in the UK on the 9th that he actually died for us?!
i think it's more the remembrance than the date that matters
just like Luz, pantera was one of the first metal bands i got into, and were on of my top3 bands for years. dime was an incredible guitarist, and seemed to ALWAYS, no matter WHAT, be having a great time..and that's fucking awesome. i don't listen to pantera much these days, but i still think they're an awesome band, and enjoy all their stuff (sans that glam shit lol).

my buddy who was into them even more than me left me a v-mail the day it happened, and i thought he was fucking joking. i didn't believe him until i got home and read it everywhere. very fucking shocking. it's sick that that fucking asshole got into that club and was able to do that.

only annoying thing about it is basically every 5 news headlines on blabbermouth has 'dimebag' in it somewhere, what with tributes, and other artists thoughts..but its 1 year later, i think they can cut down some of the news a bit..

in closing, pantera, and dimebag especially --> :headbang:
Silent Song said:
i think it's more the remembrance than the date that matters

Of course it is, but -at least I do it, don't know why (maybe because I like to feel like shit)- when some of this kind of things happen, I tend to remember what was I doing the day he/she/they died. Twisted. But it happens to me very frecuently.

I wanted to do a Dimebag tribute here in my province with a bunch of friends and bands, but I hadn't have the time to prepare tthe show since I'm cooperating with a festival here and I have plenty of things to do...
Never got into Pantera. I heard the song "Good friends and a bottle of pills" wow was that an insane song. They were a very heavy hardcore band, I will give them that. But I personally did not like thier music. Oh I should add the origianl cover of Far beyond Driven showed a drill going up a womans ass! Dime WAS a better guitarist than Akerfeldt or Lindgren, but I prefer more the opeth style than the pantera.
i still find it hard to belieev that he's dead....he's truly missed, i'm glad i got to see him live and get a horns up from him when crowd surfind infront of him!

R.I.P. bro!
Pantera get flamed quite a bit in extreme metal for being working class, Southern metal. There was the old story that Pantera were an Exhorder (Nola thrash metal) clone. I think Dimebag and Exhorder made peace with that comparison/rivalry.
It's funny, at my old college radio station back in the early 90's, we had a copy of Pantera's very first alblum "Metal Magic". The cover of Pantera's "Metal Magic" was hillarious, Pantera were in hair metal mode (hair spray ect.), and in braces, they were so young.
Every time I've seen Pantera live, they simply tore up the place, people jumping from tiers at Giants Stadium, stage diving, and major full floor pits everywhere. Pantera were a great live band.
I love the rolling thrash riffs of "A New Level" and "Fucking Hostile".I love how Dimebag brought stacatto thrash riffs into the mainstream of metal.
Every time I've seen Pantera live, they were hillarious but also very humble, and happy to play in often small market areas towards the end of the bands tenure. Pantera didn't care if the record labels thought metal died in the 80's, they pissed all over the suits, and brought some good package tours with good bands including Morbid Angel to your town.
It's sad what happened to Dimebag as people should check their heads, and weapons before attending shows.
Dimebag was from what I heard a very sweet, generous, funny drinker, and always the life of the party.
Darryl Abbott WILL be missed. RIP Dimebag. \m/ -l-
rip dime
deathbearer said:
It's funny, at my old college radio station back in the early 90's, we had a copy of Pantera's very first alblum "Metal Magic". The cover of Pantera's "Metal Magic" was hillarious, Pantera were in hair metal mode (hair spray ect.), and in braces, they were so young.
I saw a picture of them just after Anslemo joined. Let's just say I've found out what's caused the hole in the o-zone layer... :tickled:
Anyhow, as others have said, Darrell was a great guitarist and well-loved person. R.I.P. D.B.D.