Dimebag Darrell Benefit show tonight!


Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hey all, I was literally just asked to fill in on them drums for our local brother Iron Maiden tribute, Powerslave, at the Dimebag Darrell Benefit tonight! So come on down if you don't have plans already and know your $$ is spent for a worthy cause! The lovely Sara Minimurray Marsh will also be sitting in on a song or two....and other Maidens gals if they become available. The scoop:[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Saturday, March 5th [/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]at [/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Joint [/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]8871 W. Pico Blvd. (at Robertson)[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Los Angeles, CA[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[/font][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Dimebag Darrell Benefit Concert[/font]
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[/font][font=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif][/font]
[font=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Cover is a measly $10 for a worthy cause!

[/font]Proceeds will go to the
Dimebag Darrell Memorial Fund, which has been established to cover bereavement and medical expenses for the victims of the 12/9/2004 tragedy.

The bands performing are:

Domination 101 (Tribute to Pantera)
Thundherstruck (Tribute to AC/DC)
Damage, Ink. (Tribute to Metallica)
Powerslave (Tribute to Iron Maiden)
Lights Out (Tribute to UFO)
AKISSTIC (Tribute to Kiss)

:headbang: \m/
Damn i a pissed i would have loved to see this show. Pantera is my favorite Metal band of the past 10 years or so. Dimebag is a fuckin legend and the best Metal guitar player I have ever heard. I have a place in Hollywood too. I wish I knew about this earlier. Fuck :(

Anyways, how did the gig go?
ironmaidenfan09 said:
Damn i a pissed i would have loved to see this show. Pantera is my favorite Metal band of the past 10 years or so. Dimebag is a fuckin legend and the best Metal guitar player I have ever heard. I have a place in Hollywood too. I wish I knew about this earlier. Fuck :(

Ah, there we go!! Now your talking!! Here, here my fellow metal head!! You're right on with this one. I have ALL of Pantera's CD's. I'm originally from Texas, and Pantera are my 'boys!! I am truly heartbroken! Metal will never be the same without Darrell. But his spirit and legend will live forever!! :worship:
BichMaker said:
:wave: Well.... how'd it go??? :D

lot's of fun :D i was linda's water girl until my turn on the last song - run to the hills. the powerslave guys are all kick ass musicians and extremely cool. i met the guys from the acoustic kiss band (translates nicely!), and domination 101 and damge inc. - my brother's in metal \m/ unfortunately i had to leave after Light Out (who sounded great as alwayz) cuz of a tequila injury from the previous night. everyone was in smiles tho, happy to jam out in the name of dimebag who influenced us all so much with his music. thanks to domination 101 for a killer night.
MAIDEN67 said:
Ah, there we go!! Now your talking!! Here, here my fellow metal head!! You're right on with this one. I have ALL of Pantera's CD's. I'm originally from Texas, and Pantera are my 'boys!! I am truly heartbroken! Metal will never be the same without Darrell. But his spirit and legend will live forever!! :worship:

Fuck N A Right. Dime was and is a Legend. Say what you want about Pantera's music you can't deny his talent. I am just pissed that it seems it took him passing away to get the credit he deserved. I am a die hard Pantera fan myself. Far Beyond Driven changed my life for ever. I was sorta into them when Cowboys came out, though at that time I was into more extreme metal, death metal and wasn't that turned on by Cowboys from Hell. Vulgar Display of Power i was into but at the time not fanatical about it. But when Far Beyond Driven came out I bought it the first day and almost snapped my neck off from bangin my head. That CD makes me want to go out and punch somebody in the face. To this day I can still put that CD in and it sounds the same as when I first listened to it. I won't even say how bad ass The Great Southern Trendkill is and I love Reinventing the Steel as well.

I also love Down and Superjoint Ritual though i am not a huge fan of Damageplans music.

Good to know another die hard like myself
MiniMurray said:
lot's of fun :D i was linda's water girl until my turn on the last song - run to the hills. the powerslave guys are all kick ass musicians and extremely cool. i met the guys from the acoustic kiss band (translates nicely!), and domination 101 and damge inc. - my brother's in metal \m/ unfortunately i had to leave after Light Out (who sounded great as alwayz) cuz of a tequila injury from the previous night. everyone was in smiles tho, happy to jam out in the name of dimebag who influenced us all so much with his music. thanks to domination 101 for a killer night.
I have to ditto Sara on everything! Thanks for the water!! All a bunch o great people and bands getting together for something like this was a good call by Domination 101! :worship:
You're so fucking right...
He'll be missed. I loved him, well I still do.
That means: It's PANTERA time!! \m/

MAIDEN67 said:
I have ALL of Pantera's CD's. I'm originally from Texas, and Pantera are my 'boys!! I am truly heartbroken! Metal will never be the same without Darrell. But his spirit and legend will live forever!! :worship: