Dimension Zero


Sep 7, 2007
I have Silent Night Fever and This Is Hell. This Is Hell is significantly better and more memorable but neither are particularly impressive albums - solid but unambitious aggressive melodic death metal.

First off, opinions on this band, and secondly can anyone tell me if their latest is worth my time and money given my feelings on the first two?

I really like the song Immaculate. I get the "God is reaching out for you - IMMACULATE" bit stuck in my head all the time. Probably my favorite song by them I guess...
I can't remember their newer album (think its called "He Who Shall Not Bleed?"), but the songs Way to Shine , and I Can Hear The Dark are some of my favorites off of that.
I downloaded some of their songs. When I get the money and get to best buy or something, I'll buy some of their CDs in time.
They don't have this stuff at best buy...DZ is too obscure. Best Buy only sometimes has In Flames even.
solid but unambitious aggressive melodic death metal.
Melodic death metal with thrashy wibe in it so it's said.
What exactly do you mean by unambitious here ? Unambitous for what, market ?
It's not just solid, it's great. Constanly fast beats, this is what I really like about them. Silent night fever is far their best album, it just goes down after that but till very cool. What a shame I only listened to some stupid demo track before attending Wacken 2007, it was the last day back then and I was waiting for In flames the whole day in the front row. And no I did not see Dimension zero - while it still remains their most recent show up till now - what a dickhead I was !

It's pretty good Daniel Antonson got rid of Soilwork, maybe he wrote new materila for DZ in the meantime.
Unambitious as in they don't try to go anywhere; just a bunch of 3-4 minute songs with similar structure that don't really break any new ground. Not that they have to write prog epics, it'd just be nice if they tried to vary things a bit musically and maybe actually say something lyrically.
They don't have this stuff at best buy...DZ is too obscure. Best Buy only sometimes has In Flames even.

I hear ya, I'm hoping ill run into something really awesome at Best Buy some day.

I found a used copy of Colony there once, of course i bought it just to have it :headbang:
Dimension Zero is definently more comparable to At The Gates than In Flames.

They don't have this stuff at best buy...DZ is too obscure. Best Buy only sometimes has In Flames even.

Yeah it's gayer than balls that I can't find The Jester Race or Whoracle.