DIMMU BORGIR - Orchestral Movements In The Dark


Jul 30, 2002
Belo Horizonte / Minas Gerais / Brasil
According to DIMMU BORGIR guitarist Silenoz, Nick Barker is currently working on the drum tracks for their forthcoming album, due out in September through Nuclear Blast. The band are also using a 46-piece orchestra from Prague for the symphonic parts. Silenoz remarked: “I can't wait to see the face expressions on people when they hear the final result! It's all gonna sound awesome once it's finished!”
Could turn out to be interessting, though Im very sceptical towards Dimmu nowadays...
I lost all my respect to them when they sold out, and when they did a song together with a rapper I started to really dislike them!
Aggressor said:
Could turn out to be interessting, though Im very sceptical towards Dimmu nowadays...
I lost all my respect to them when they sold out, and when they did a song together with a rapper I started to really dislike them!

Rapper? What the fuck are you talking about?...that is complete bullshit. Where the hell do you get your news from?

Aside from that..yes I'm very much excited about the new album. I loved Puritanical..mainly because it's far more thrash than black metal..
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I love Dimmus latest stuff. Puritania had so many cool, fresh ideas(for me at least, im sure some of you are going to head into true/untrue land)and a sound to die for: Cold, digital, yet in your face. I hope the next album will be along the lines of Puritania...
Regardless of what people say about them having 'sold out' and so on, I absolutely loved Puritanical, it was simply an awesome album IMO and as long as the new one follows along the same lines, or builds on where they left off, then it should be fantastic.

I was under the impression that they used the orchestra on the last album aswell though?
They used a string ensemble for PEM, I think. Oh, and here on UM, you are a 'sellout' if you get less brutal, so don`t care about those remarks.
Shaggy and the boys are still producing music at the highest level this sellout talk is just a bunch of crap,
last album PEM was actually most aggressive album to date. Galder & Nick Barker just put out a very good Old Mans Child album. These are some of the best musicians in dark metal today.......I will be getting new CD for sure.
Soilent Goat said:
Rapper? What the fuck are you talking about?...that is complete bullshit. Where the hell do you get your news from?

Aside from that..yes I'm very much excited about the new album. I loved Puritanical..mainly because it's far more thrash than black metal..

Originally posted by BTK
OK I just found out from silenoz that the reason why Shagrath (and galder) are participating on 1 song only from the rapper Diaz, is because Shagrath and Galder grew up with this guy, and went to the same school. And now that they are older, the rapper Diaz is making an album about his life. And of course, 1 of the songs will be about their childhood together, and that's why they were asked to participate on that song.

ok first off they didnt sell out
as mainly all bands do they evolve
secondly their only colaberating with Diaz becuse he has been a friend from when they where kids.. now i bett youd do the same thing if your friend would ask you if you would want to colaborate with him.
This was to back up my previous post, since I got some replys on it that I didnt know what I was talking about and that this was'nt true...
And concerning me I wouldnt make a song together with a rapper, even if I grew up with him!
If you where a guitarist , you wouldnt make a couple of riffs for him?
dont get me wrong im not a huge fan of dimmu
but i wouldnt mine making a couple of riffs for an old pal
Profano said:
Originally posted by BTK
OK I just found out from silenoz that the reason why Shagrath (and galder) are participating on 1 song only from the rapper Diaz, is because Shagrath and Galder grew up with this guy, and went to the same school. And now that they are older, the rapper Diaz is making an album about his life. And of course, 1 of the songs will be about their childhood together, and that's why they were asked to participate on that song.


THAT IS FUCKING AWESOME! If people are going to call them sellouts for that then they are retarded. I can't wait to hear the song.