Director's cut of Alien


The Truth Seeker
Mar 14, 2003
Planet Earth
I went to see Ridley Scott's new film 'Matchstick Men' yesterday, and they showed the new Alien trailer, director's cut. I have no idea what exactly the difference will be but I saw a quick flash of Kane (Tom Skerrit's character) cacooned by the Alien!

I was too young to watch the film at the time of release (1979) and saw the film a few years later on pirate video and then on terrestrial television. This is one scary film for its time, not because of its gore but because you were always on the edge of your seat, thinking which dark corner the alien would pop out from. Watching the trailer yesterday, brought all these memories back to me and I think this could be a great film to see on the big screen, especially with all the extra bits in.

Has anyone in the US seen the directors cut on the big screen?
That Quadrilogy boxset is ludicrous - but fuck, that's what DVD is for. The whole point of the medium is that it can hold so much more information than tape, and most DVDs are a letdown. And how many times can they re-release this shit?

Re: Alien - it's still the best of the bunch, and yes, I think it's better than Aliens. The scare factor isn't in seeing the alien, it's in NOT seeing the alien. That's why part 1 rules them all.
JayKeeley said:
Re: Alien - it's still the best of the bunch, and yes, I think it's better than Aliens. The scare factor isn't in seeing the alien, it's in NOT seeing the alien. That's why part 1 rules them all.
Yep, but when I was younger Aliens owned everything.

Best movie where the monster is not seen: The Haunting.

I remember Alien 3 being so dumb that I still have yet to see Resurrection. I'll pick up that boxset though, just because I'm a boxset whore.
Believe it or not, Alien 3 is what I'm most looking forward to in this boxset. Simply because this version will be the first release of Fincher's 2 hour and 50 minute original version. From what I've heard, there is so much added, that it's practically a different movie... and very good as well.
bloodfiredeath said:
Believe it or not, Alien 3 is what I'm most looking forward to in this boxset. Simply because this version will be the first release of Fincher's 2 hour and 50 minute original version. From what I've heard, there is so much added, that it's practically a different movie... and very good as well.
That's brilliant to hear. Don't get me wrong, although it's my least favorite, it's not horrible by any means. The Fincher trademarks are all there - the same cinematic approach to Seven, with lots of visual interference (and grainy look).

I hope the new cut explores the religous cult of those inmates a little more - there could have been much more character development and history of how they got there.

Alien 4 got a bad rap undeservedly - I didn't think it was that disasterous. Winona Ryder was miscast completely, though, but the director did an OK job overall. He also directed City of Lost Children which I have yet to see - supposed to be excellent.
I'm going to have to revisit them shits soon, I'm starting to remember that I liked the first half of Alien 3, but the second half lagged. It's been so many years, plus I think I have only seen the network TV editted version...
bloodfiredeath said:
It opens here on Halloween.
I think its the same here in the UK. I hate waiting months for a US release to appear on UK shores.

[b said:
bloodfiredeath] [/b]Simply because this version will be the first release of Fincher's 2 hour and 50 minute original version.
I hope that version fixes the problem of those damn Brit convicts shouting 'wanker' at one another - oh cringe!

JayKeeley said:
Alien 4 got a bad rap undeservedly - I didn't think it was that disastrous.
Its not a bad film but the end fight scene between baby vs the mother alien is defintaly a Tromo-esq ending.

JayKeeley said:
ugh! Blasphemy. Do you own all the censored Cannibal Corpse CD's too?
Do you also own censored porn films?

On the subject of director's cut, I thought that the cut of Aliens was superb. I loved the whole concept of MedLab guarded by those auto-weapons and the Aliens (through trial and error) used the roof ducts as their method of attack and entry.
I read the Alien vs Predator screenplay and it was pretty much faithful to the comic version - Human soldiers on jungle warfare training who become embroiled in a fight between the two species. The screenplay was below average and I think if anyone read THAT same script now, it would be pegged below The Hulk - that was an awful film.

Can you imagine a cross-breed between Alien and Predator? Now that's a serious Weapon of Mass Destruction.
The comic had Predators holding a Queen Alien captive (literally in chains), and they would lay the eggs on unsuspecting planets where they would hatch and gestate within the local species. (Remember that Aliens evolve differently depending on where the face hugger leaves the fetus - see Alien 3 and the dog).

The Predators would then return to the planet and start taking out the Aliens for sport as per norm. The movie is supposed to pick up where one of those planets has a human populous that obviously gets involved in the action.

Predators would destroy Aliens. If US colonial marines can take out Aliens with machine guns, then a Predator should be able to roger it and slit its throat with one of those flying CDs.
JayKeeley said:
Predators would destroy Aliens. If US colonial marines can take out Aliens with machine guns, then a Predator should be able to roger it and slit its throat with one of those flying CDs.
Wait, are we talking real life or movies here? :) I'll agree that an all out war would be won by the Predators, but one on one Alien all the way.

Flying CDs = I COME IN PEACE = teh roxx09x09rszz.
NAD said:
Wait, are we talking real life or movies here? :)
No - I was referring to the second Aliens movie where the marines were killing off the Aliens with their heavy duty artillery.

If it was real life, Batman would take them all out!

I'll agree that an all out war would be won by the Predators, but one on one Alien all the way.
Even one on one, I would place my bet on the Predator. He's got cloaking device, lots of weapons, intellect. It would be a tough fight though, I'll give you that.