Dirk Thurisch is back....


Jul 16, 2002
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...with a new MERCURY TIDE album. The first one, Why, was released in 2003. This new one will be called Killing Saw. Sounds very good from the clips below!



Looks like there are at least 6 parts on YouTube.
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I would've preferred an Angel Dust disc since I wasn't big fan of Mercury Tide but I'll give it a shot for sure.

Keep me posted Guillaume.


ps: Will you go to see The Wall this summer? Rob K might be there too.
Thank you. Good link. Great site. I listened to all the samples on amazon.de and its not bad at all. I love his voice. Its certainly more mellow than Angel Dust, but its good stuff. I'm just now fixing to buy WHY? so that should keep me until the new one comes out in Oct here in America.
It's about damn time! I thought Dirk would never release another album, be it with Angel Dust or Mercury Tide. What has this guy been doing for the past nine years?

Stay metal. Never rust.
Nope. I'll be in France during that time. It's too bad cause I would probably have gone, having never seen live anything Pink Floyd related...

Too bad... For already having seen it, it's an amazing show. I guess you'll be able to erase your tears with some fin french wine. :D