Dirty Rig And Viking Skull On The CMS!


The Man Behind The Mayhem
The Classic Metal Show
9p-3a EST Saturdays

THIS WEEK ON YOUR CLASSIC METAL SHOW: One of Chris' all time favorite bands was the band Warrior Soul. Led by vocalist Kory Clarke, Warrior Soul carved a nitch that would be later filled by other political bands like Rage Against The Machine and System Of A Down. But no one did it with more conviction than Kory Clarke. Clarke is back with a new project called Dirty Rig; a project that dumps the politics and replaces it with some good, old-fashioned shit kickin' barroom rock! We'll do a New Music Listening Party for ROCK DID IT, the new release from Dirty Rig. Additionally, we're working out the details, but it looks like Kory and Buckshot from Dirty Rig will be by to talk about the new record.

Additionally, we've been enjoying the new music from the band Viking Skull of late, and now it's time to share it with you guys. Their release is called BORN IN HELL, and it's just as sick and twisted as the CMS itself. We'll do a New Music Listening Party for BORN IN HELL, and we'll see if we can't round up one of those drunk Vikings for a little one on one discussion about their album, touring with Alice Cooper and more.