Disarmonia Mundi - Nebularium

Crazy Booduh

May 19, 2009
Hey Ken,

Any chance of stocking the new Disarmonia Mundi CD "Nebularium?" If you could get the digipack special edition that would be great. They are on Coroner Records.

It looks like you haven't stocked any of their old stuff but the new album is on a new label, so maybe there's a chance? :)
Well, I was a little confused. It turns out their "new" CD Nebularium is a rerelease of their first album. They do have a new album due out this year called "The Isolation Game" though.

So is it not your thing as in genre of music? That's a little surprising as there are comparable bands you offer like Mercenary, Raintime, In Flames, and Soilwork which I would put in the progressive thrash/death genre (or whatever you want to call it). I really enjoyed their last album "Mind Tricks" which to me is like a more progressive version of Soilwork (who never really could grab my attention). I haven't heard any of DM's other releases though.

Although I do notice that you mention that Soilwork isn't really your cup of tea and you simply stocked it due to demand, and DM's last couple releases featured Strid on vocals from Soilwork so maybe that's part of it :) I can't seem to find out for sure if Strid is on their new CD but their MySpace only lists two members in the band :err:

Anyways, just looking for some insight. I really appreciate that you hang out here and answer all our nagging questions :) Not a big deal if you don't stock their stuff, there are other retailers. I just like to go through your site whenever possible :tickled:
As a genre of music its definitely not my thing. We sell a smattering of this stuff compared to the progressive and power metal we offer. If I had a bunch of people banging on my door for Disarmonia Mundi I guess I would stock them but you are the first person to ever ask. I just don't think we would do well with it. I have to bring in a certain quantity (with expectations that I would sell them all) to justify us importing a title.

I appreciate you trying us first! We'll get you with something else. :)

Completely understandable. They don't seem to get much hype or attention unfortunately. Maybe someday :)
