Disarray - In The Face Of The Enemy


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Disarray - In The Face Of The Enemy
Eclipse Records - 2002

By Mark Bridgeman

DISARRAY have worked their way through their 9-year career the hard way: grafting it across the USA, town to town, club to club, the way many unsigned bands don't understand these days. Their work ethic is to be admired, as is this - their third LP (how's that for a segueway??).

In The Face Of The Enemy, produced by Dave Brockie (or 'Oderus Ungerus' to you GWAR fans), is a collection of solid, pounding metal run through the hardcore, no-bullshit veins of a working band. Think of Pantera and Judas Priest, and you're halfway there. Think sweating, surging pub crowds, hard music, and ringing ears.

On initial listenings, I expected this to be yet another "brutal" heavy rock album, and although they do have the traits that fans of diesel-fuelled metal love, they're blessed with the ability to stand above any generic elements that can drag other bands down. 'Voice Of Reason' is a fine example of metallic heavy rock saved by some great vocals and sharp hooks. 'Neverending Quest For Revenge' will have heads pounding coast to coast with its Motorhead-esque elements, 'Path Of No Regrets' is pure rock'n'roll indulgeance, 'Burned Soul' surges menacingly, and then it all ends on an acoustic note with 'Life Is Gone', which still manages to display the bands attitude.

All in all, In The Face Of The Enemy shows DISARRAY to be a band to watch, listen, and experience. So do yourself a favour, and see a show or buy a disc.


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