Okay, I know this post is a bit old, but I just HAD to reply to it! I am sooooooooo very happy that the band is back together. I am a HUGE Lefay fan . I was incredibly sad when they broke up and incredibly ecstatic they're back! I'm just hoping one day I will see them live. But, alas, I live in the US and I doubt that will ever happen. Everything about Lefay rules. I can't name one metal person I've talked to who's heard Lefay that doesn't like them. They have such a wide range of stuff in their music that most anyone (who likes metal, of course) would like them. My DAD likes them! But then again, my dad's cool. He goes to concerts with me too. I'd bring him to a Lefay concert if I could! I brought him to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra gig too since we both like TSO and Savatage. Me and my damned metal roots. Please let us know how the new music is going?