Discount Tix to see The Iron Maidens at the Galaxy 10/5


Hullu Kissanainen
Hey, Maiden fans,

Wanna save buckaroos and check out The Iron Maidens, Hangar 18, and Dreams of Damnation at a world-class venue? You can catch this killer line-up on October 5th at the Galaxy Theatre in Santa Ana for only $10 (that's $2.50 off the door price and you'll save a helluva lot more than getting them from Ticketbastard) by buying your advance tickets from the west coast's only tribute to Megadeth, Hangar 18! e-mail to arrange your discount purchase!

More info can be found on the Hangar 18 shows page:

See ya at the show!

Melanie Sisneros
Hangar 18: Tribute to Megadeth
Thanks for the tip Bassbitch and nice to see you back here! Count me in for that gig! Looks like I'll be hitting the Galaxy twice that weekend since 'Helloween' is there on Friday Oct. 3rd. :cool:
psykopain said:
cool.....get to see Mel and Loanna in one night.....two hot metal babes........ ;) i'm gonna have to go to that.
I get to see from backstage. Neener, neener, neener! :Smug::p:grin:
Hey Bassbitch, why doesn't Hanger 18 have an official forum yet? or maybe you do and I just don't know it.
Anyways I'm not sure how much it costs but it seems to be a great way to keep up to date on bands...
smylex said:
Just for info, Dreams of Damnation is also selling tickets for $7.50 a head for the Galaxy Show
That's cause they're playing originals, and they're willing to sell them at cost. It goes with the territory - been there before... be there again.

If you're playing covers or doing a tribute... you deserve a few extra bones.
Especially Megadeth... man those jams aren't easy.
SciKikMobster said:
If you're playing covers or doing a tribute... you deserve a few extra bones.
No, you deserve more money if you're bringing in more paying customers. If I were a club owner and an original band is bringing in more people than a cover band to my club, who's going to get paid more? The one that's making me more money.
smylex said:
No, you deserve more money if you're bringing in more paying customers.
I hear you... and you make a good point. But...

Unfortunately... it's not the case. My original band has out drawn my cover band... many times. But yet we get paid for playing covers - even if it's a % of the door.

We actually lose money playing originals, due to advertising, postage on postcards, phone calls & selling tickets at cost. Many times you whined up bringing a crowd for a national act & they get paid... even though they brought like two people. Just ask anybody who has pre-saled for Flotsam-Jetsam, Love/Hate, BangTango, etc. Those bands don't promote... they just show up.

Hell - there are signed bands touring the US... that are barely breaking even. And they're packing clubs. Thank God for Merch! There are signed bands, that are paying $50K to play OzzFest on the side stage for 20 minutes. I would if I had that kind of marketing coin... you can't buy better advertisment than that. I know one band from TX, that paid KingDiamond a nice chunk to open for him on the "9" tour. That's the biz...

When you play originals it's not for the love of money... it's for the love of the art and the big picture. That's the pay back... you don't get that from playing covers. I would get a bigger thrill playing originals to a crowd of 20 that know your music and enjoy it... than I do playing originals to a packed club. But then again that's me... your songs are your babies.

With that being said... playing covers is not easy. It's hard f**cking work... if you do it with respect and want to please the purist metal fans. I have alot of friends that refuse to come see me play covers... like it's a bad thing. I don't for the life of me understand that. But that's a whole other topic.

Can you tell that I've had some coffee? A little Kalua helps too...
SciKikMobster said:
When you play originals it's not for the love of money... it's for the love of the art and the big picture.
Not for me. For me, it's the love of money and hot chicks! :Smug:
There are costs associated with both original bands and tribute bands. Flyers, ads, giveaways, gas, rehearsal space, etc. All that stuff isn't cheap. heheheh. Of course, when you're playing originals, you do it all to get your music out there to masses. When you're playing covers, you're doing it because its fun for both band and audience. But those aren't your songs. And in playing in a non-all female, non-commercial metal tribute in Los Angeles, the best you can expect is to break even. I haven't made a cent from Hangar 18, but I am having fun, playing some awesome music, and jammin' wif my budz.

Would this be an appropriate place for me to plug my original band now? hehehheh... Don't have a website up, but my original band Crescent Shield has booked its first gig at Friar Tucks in Pomona, CA on October 18th. Scarred and Deception are on the bill. Mark your calendar and expect more spam later, or check out for show info.

Okay, that being said...

Given that we should cave to competition, anyone who mentions the maidens bulletin board can fetch discount tix from Hangar 18 for $8/ea. E-mail for info!

The goal -- to get Hangar 18 and Dreams of Damnation on stage back to back so Dave Scott Chedrick Samuelson doesn't have to set up and tear down his drumset twice. He is doing double-duty that night!
hmmmm... I just re-read my post and it doesn't sound quite the way I wanted it to :\ GAWD and GAKK it wasn't supposed to sound that way at all :loco: ! So let me clarify that The Iron Maidens kick ass not only because they are all-female and playing toonz from a legendary band (one of my favorite bands of all time), but because they are excellent musicians and charismatic performers. The time, hard work and creativity involved comes across as a high-quality live show, as anyone who has seen them can attest. For these reasons, they're not an act to easily follow draw-wise, especially in Los Angeles, where supply significantly outpaces demand for live entertainment and quality entertainment is in high-demand. IMHO, most bands aren't in the Maids' league, all-female or not, tribute or not.

Anyway, most bands are lucky to break even in the hostile LA music scene, especially the original bands but even the tribute bands. And it's even more difficult when you're paying tribute to a speed metal band, as my trib band does, since it's much more a niche market than the more commercial tributes.

That's what I meant. hehehhe... geez, that'll teach me to brain barf on bulletin boards at work... It seems I'm more lucid at 3am! I'm sorry if I sounded like I slighted anyone... that was very unintentional!! *blush*
SciKikMobster said:
Unfortunately... it's not the case. My original band has out drawn my cover band... many times. But yet we get paid for playing covers - even if it's a % of the door.
i think the difference is cover or tribute bands get paid steady, if they do. but thats it, usually. original bands either make it big or basically get nothing or scrape by.