Discuss: True stories of the Paranormal etc...


I dip my forefinger...
Mar 20, 2006
...in the watery blood
I recently had the idea to contribute some very interesting and quite epic *true* paranormal tales from some message boards. These are submitted at websites by people who have had very real stories to tell about encountering some very real sometimes terrifying phenomena etc... If anyone here has any such stories to post, feel free. Discuss...

Here are some good ones:

March of the Mutilators

"Spring-heeled Jack"
My dad once chased a UFO in an airplane back in the 60's. He's a real down to earth and isn't at all the kind to believe in that kind of stuff. Yet he says he has no clue what is was. He said it was a silver ball hovering high over the city (he was in the panhandle of Texas). He and a friend were at the airport and jumped in a plane to see what it was. As they were climbing slowly up to it he said a long pointed ship came out of the bottom of the sphere and they both took off at amazing speed and were gone from the horizon within seconds.
One time my home town (below 2000 citizens) was lit up by an extremely bright light in the middle of the night. It was brighter than day for quite a while until the light receded down on a field and disappeared. It was weird.
Interesting. Although I am not very interested in UFO's, I believe that they exist. There are many paces on the internet which I have found that can give you some more information... Lately there has been some discoveries that make you think, the government does not want us to know about these things. Either to protect us, or to keep us in a state of ignorance.... I have read this story online, which was posted on various news sites last month. This story reveals that Buzz Aldrin, famous U.S. Astrounaut, himself had an UFO experience while on the Apollo 11...If you don't believe in UFO's this is even more reason to question: what are these things that thousands are witnessing if they are not actually spacecraft from other lifeforms not of this planet???
Here is one of the best stories I have read, which gives a detailed account of a sighting of some sort of real life Witch...

"Location. Valles de la Silla, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Date: January 16 2004 Time: 0315A
21-year old police officer Leonardo Samaniego Gallegos was patrolling a section of Alamo Street when he observed what appeared to be the figure of a woman totally dressed in a black cloak-like outfit descend from a nearby tree towards his patrol car. She appeared to float towards the car at very high speed. She had large black eyes without any pupils. Terrified he drove away from the area but was chased by the flying apparition. He called for assistance over his police radio. The tree the strange figure descended from was about 6 meters high. The strange flying creature approached the police car and impacted onto the front windshield pushing it inward, apparently trying to get in using what appeared to be large pointy claws at this point Gallegos lost consciousness. In the videotaped interview officer Gallegos describes the eyes and black gown as in the news article but adds the description of a "helmet" or headpiece it was wearing that curved downward to a point at the back of the creature's head. Also, a police officer from Santa Catarina, Jorge Contreras declared that he and two more policemen from the Regia police saw exactly the same flying being that officer Samaniego saw, but three days before. They saw it flying and decided not to say anything---until they heard about Samaniego's case. Norma Alicia Herrera who lives in Colonia La Playa declared in a TV interview that she and her brother also saw the flying humanoid at daytime and that it looked weird. She said that her brother was so stunned by the sighting that he was sick for almost a week afterwards. Another neighbor in that sector also videotaped several days before, a strange flying humanoid and gave the video to the TV station."

here is the link to the website containing this and other paranormal stories: http://www.hwh22.it/xit/S03_ricerche/hum_2004.html
heres something thats befuddled my family for quite sometime...

back in april, at about 2 in the morning my mom came into my room, and asked why i was in the kitchen at such a time, i was on the computer and hadnt left my room for over an hour. she claimed to had seen the fridge open and close. then she saw the microwave open and close (she can see the kitchen from her bed). she went back to bed.

the next morning, i'm awoken by my sister screaming and calling for my mom. apparently she had gone to bed, not having finished her homework, research for some project she was working on. when she woke up the next morning, it was all done, typed up and sourced. everyone blamed me on going in there and doing it just to mess with their minds. i would not go to such leangths. later that day my mom comes home and tells us it had been one year, to the day that my uncle had died.

Very interesting, If you are telling the truth, that seems like an extreme case of poltergiest activity from your lost relative. I can't think of any other explanations to this other than someone could have been playing a trick on you. Usually there is minimal amount of interaction with the outside world, such as moving furniture around of knocking things over etc, but this is much more extreme... Maybe try looking into if any of your relatives have had any cases of paranormal phenoma before or are extra sensitive to such things...
My neighbours claim to live in a haunted house. They claim that toys and other objects start moving in the middle of the night and that weird sounds, like loud bangs and loud yells are heard without any sources. I've never encountered anything there though, but my brother and mother were there alone once and they both heard the toilet flush by itself, got scared and left. Not that spectacular, but whatever. They also have some old documents in the attic about someone who formerly lived in the house and when they removed those from the house, the fridge, freezer and other things stopped working and the guy in the house lost his job. When they returned the papers, it all got fixed again and the guy got his job back for some reason. I am a bit sceptical towards this though, as I don't believe in souls and therefore don't believe that they could stay around after death either.
Jrgen said:
My neighbours claim to live in a haunted house. They claim that toys and other objects start moving in the middle of the night and that weird sounds, like loud bangs and loud yells are heard without any sources. I've never encountered anything there though, but my brother and mother were there alone once and they both heard the toilet flush by itself, got scared and left. Not that spectacular, but whatever. They also have some old documents in the attic about someone who formerly lived in the house and when they removed those from the house, the fridge, freezer and other things stopped working and the guy in the house lost his job. When they returned the papers, it all got fixed again and the guy got his job back for some reason.
Sounds like a typical haunting...
I am a bit sceptical towards this though, as I don't believe in souls and therefore don't believe that they could stay around after death either.
I disagree with you on this statement. But we all have our own beliefs :)
metal_wrath said:
Sounds like a typical haunting...

I disagree with you on this statement. But we all have our own beliefs :)
I agree with your statement metal wrath. I'm an atheist myself but I don't discount the idea of ghosts existing or hauntings being true. I really enjoy paranormal things like you do as well. I was intrigued by what I had heard at my college about the 3rd and 4th floors being haunted(The info about it is on the Shadowlands website if you look though Tennessee and then Martin as a town it will come up) by a person who commited suicide and that the bathroom had weird thngs going on. I went to the 4th floor and walked all across the halls and got an eerie type feeling and I pissed in the bathroom up there and half-expected something to happen. I then proceded to the 3rd floor where the old dorms were, no one was living there, I ws the only person there and I once again got an eerie feeling there as I was walking. For some odd reason 2 of the dorm rooms were no one was living in were open, I checked out both and didn't see anything. But maybe I should go at night time, I went in the middle of the day.
On a side note, I have a tendency to see orbs a lot, especially at home or my Grandmother's. I was talking with my grandmother last night and I seen one fly across the room while I was discussing the Bloody Mary legend with her. I've seen orbs multiple times at my house, in the dining room, and in my room close to my bed, but I'm never scared when I see them, not the ones I've seen though.
Nectar of the Gods said:
heres something thats befuddled my family for quite sometime...

back in april, at about 2 in the morning my mom came into my room, and asked why i was in the kitchen at such a time, i was on the computer and hadnt left my room for over an hour. she claimed to had seen the fridge open and close. then she saw the microwave open and close (she can see the kitchen from her bed). she went back to bed.

the next morning, i'm awoken by my sister screaming and calling for my mom. apparently she had gone to bed, not having finished her homework, research for some project she was working on. when she woke up the next morning, it was all done, typed up and sourced. everyone blamed me on going in there and doing it just to mess with their minds. i would not go to such leangths. later that day my mom comes home and tells us it had been one year, to the day that my uncle had died.


Dude thats some freaky shit.
bluewizard said:
I agree with your statement metal wrath. I'm an atheist myself but I don't discount the idea of ghosts existing or hauntings being true. I really enjoy paranormal things like you do as well. I was intrigued by what I had heard at my college about the 3rd and 4th floors being haunted(The info about it is on the Shadowlands website if you look though Tennessee and then Martin as a town it will come up) by a person who commited suicide and that the bathroom had weird thngs going on. I went to the 4th floor and walked all across the halls and got an eerie type feeling and I pissed in the bathroom up there and half-expected something to happen. I then proceded to the 3rd floor where the old dorms were, no one was living there, I ws the only person there and I once again got an eerie feeling there as I was walking. For some odd reason 2 of the dorm rooms were no one was living in were open, I checked out both and didn't see anything. But maybe I should go at night time, I went in the middle of the day.
On a side note, I have a tendency to see orbs a lot, especially at home or my Grandmother's. I was talking with my grandmother last night and I seen one fly across the room while I was discussing the Bloody Mary legend with her. I've seen orbs multiple times at my house, in the dining room, and in my room close to my bed, but I'm never scared when I see them, not the ones I've seen though.
Well, I have never seen any apparitions much to my dismay :) However I constantly have heard very particular voices while in a hypnogagic state (coming into awakeness). I can always make out clearly what they are saying too. Earlier in the year I was laying in bed when I awoke to a loud and wicked laughter, which sounded to me like what the "devil" would sound like, it was a very powerful sound and articulated. I also had a vision in my head of something at the top of the stairwell near my room, like an evil presence, descending the stairwell. Very creepy.