
Doesn't feel right, but quit a special item as (if it's a real signature) Ozzy must have known what he signed. Looking at the recent passing of Dio it just seems a stupid item to auction now....

Friend of me has a much more special thing; a signed BOOTLEG of Metallica, and bootlegs and Metallica aren't things that go together very well I guess. It has the signature of Cliff Burton too btw !!
Incredible. If this is a real signature then this is rare indeed. I'm sure Ozzy was aware of what he was signing and just decided to humor whatever fan asked him for the autograph. Whatever you may say about Ozzy, he's always been cool to his fans.
Just assuming he did actually sign it, has Ozzy had a clue what hes actually doing anytime during the past 40 years ?

But I agree he is cool with the fans so if someone threw that at him to sign he might just do it and say nothing, it would probably be rude to do anything else.

Still quite strange