Discworld + progressive metal


Jan 15, 2007
Illinois, USA
Two of my favorite things have finally come together: Heavy metal, and the Discworld!

Cripple Mr. Onion is a progressive metal band from New Zealand. According to their Myspace page they are Ambient/Industrial/Progressive. I can't say I'm completely blown away by this band, but discovering them did make me geek out for a good ten minutes straight. :D

Cripple Mr. Onion Myspace

Cripple Mr. Onion official web page (complete with a link to the card game!)

And they have a music video! It's creepy.

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Holy Shit!!! That is different, love the bass line, now i am interested in hearing more.
Yeah, I was certainly digging the bass line. And I believe he's playing a 7-string bass. I think. Both the bass and at least one of the guitars (possibly both) has quite a lot of strings.
Two of my favorite things have finally come together: Heavy metal, and the Discworld!

Cripple Mr. Onion is a progressive metal band from New Zealand. According to their Myspace page they are Ambient/Industrial/Progressive. I can't say I'm completely blown away by this band, but discovering them did make me geek out for a good ten minutes straight. :D

heh, yep. I'm not sure I'd call them "heavy metal" either, and I'm not enamored of the vocals, but it was cool to see them listing two friends' bands (Combichrist, Bella Morte) on their site.

Cripple Mr. Onion official web page (complete with a link to the card game!)

Which went to a dead short-URL.

And they have a music video! It's creepy.


It was pretty creepy! They're firmly over in the goth-industrial realm, but that was a pretty elaborate video.

I saw they're opening for Christian Death. If Diet of Worms is opening, they NEED to make sure they don't go on right after them. :heh: