Disect My Superior 2.0 tone

Yer, agree with Unavailable - also if this is going to be a more metally tone I don't think the snare has enough attack, although backing off the room mics will help a lot with this. Kick sounds good. Room sounds a little too scooped (listening through crap speakers here though) and is it gated or is that how Sup2's samples are? It seems like the decay gets cut off (focusing on the snare mostly here).
Drums sound better. Cymbals may be too soft still..but I've heard them softer. Snare is better but theres still something that doesnt sound right. Maybe boost the highend a bit but to me it sounds like something needs to be cut not boosted. Its not bad at all though. Kick I'm not liking the highend (I preferred you're old one - although this may just be different speakers showing different things), and I dont think it'll cut through with a bass guitar (I think a lot of the 'cut' is coming through in the thud).
Guitar..sounds very thin and grainy. I don't know anything about amps/etc. I'm a drummer not a guitarist ;p I've found that guitars usually sound better without much/any EQ.. but this is mainly with guitars that sound great already, when they sound kinda meh (my friend was recording into his Pod with a Variax...holy fucking scooped fizz) then quite a bit of EQ can do a lot to it. Maybe back off the gain a little bit? Or dont boost the highend so much. I definately prefer your old guitars (above) even though they're a little dark to these ones. Maybe you've just been mixing and listening to THAT guitar for too long and have lost..whats the word, perception (no thats not it). Try alternating between a pro track with guitars you like for comparison.
Wow, absolutely killer drum sound now. Snare sounds great and the kick... :O Was the kick in Sup2? I want it! What did you do to it? I think its the compression but I can never get my kick compression sounding right. Tips?
Finally heard the toms then..can't really hear enough of them too tell, but I would personally back off the EQ a bit on the top end and instead boost the volume overall with GClip or something. Probly a taste thing but I'm not a fan of that really sticky (if thats the word to describe it) tom sounds.

Guitar sound is great as well. Sounds good on the chords but on the palm mutes its a little iffy, imo. It sounds like thats a 'problem' (if you want to call it that, probly just more taste) with the guitar rather than your amp/etc. though.

Honestly as a demo it sound awesome. The changes I've said above are personal issues only and wouldn't stop me listening to the demo - I'm so glad recording quality has got to the point where a 'demo' sounds this good :D
Drumsound is absolutely killer, Dude.
Let me ask you something:
Seems like you've got your snare pretty high, too. I experience problems with the snare sometimes "boosting" through the overall drumsound (levelwise). It drives the drum-buss pretty hard and I experienced that behavior only in Superior 2 so far. Did you do any outboard clipping or something like that? I tried, but it also "eats" all the attack.

Alright, on topic:
To me the guitars sound like they are more up front than the drumkit. They are uber-dry. I would check if a tiny tiny amount of reverb would fit all of it together.