
Real World's Mad Girl
just had the misfortune to witness the Bbc 1 morning kids programme.
Dani behr - of all the trendy bitches on the planet- sporting a glitery - and bastardised MAiden shirt!!!!!!! and throwing the horns, GOing 'Rockkk'

Argh..i nearly threw me brekkie at the TV!!!!!!!!!!!

What the hell is going on?? shes possibly never even heard a maiden track... GRRRRRRRRRR

Ok so in a way yeah- bands like maiden getting a higher profile again with the kids, then allows access to bands such as 54!!!!!!
But if ur gonna do it- MEAN IT.
Being metal isnt a form of being cool- its a way of life and a LOVE OF MUSIC and being real not fake.

ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! :bah: :mad:

OK rant over.. a bit....
I agree... but then, now metal is 'in' , maiden, motorhead Et al are all fashion statements. Its amusing & sickening at the same time. Fact is, theres no such thing as bad publicity. The more famous people wear metal, the more will get into the class bands, the more the albums will sell, and the better bands like Area 54 will prosper.

Its a neccesary evil ;)
... but dani Behr- and glitter!!!!!!!!! ( ive had a loathing for her since she went out with Ryan giggs when i was 14 - eeek) lol

But there are plenty of famous metallers. let them wear the shirts - they look the best... and then the REAL stars get the promotion themselves...... although if 454 played on the saturday show - t he kids wouldnt know what hit em - itd blow their minds cuz itd be REALLY Rocking!!!!!!!!!!

Ah well... im gonna quit the ranting....

Originally posted by madgirl
Arghhh... just had the misfortune to witness the Bbc 1 morning kids programme.
Dani behr - of all the trendy bitches on the planet- sporting a glitery - and bastardised MAiden shirt!!!!!!! and throwing the horns, GOing 'Rockkk'

Yeah, I turned over to BBC1 to see Football Focus and had the misfortune to see the end of that show too! Aaaaaaagh what HAD they done to the Maiden shirt??? I bet it's one of these shops like Top Shop selling them, so now all the non metallers will start to wear them! :( I used to fancy Dani when she had long hair... but I think even I would have had to "smack tha bitch up, smack ma bitch up" if I'd seen her throwing the horns!

I agree that it wouldn't be bad if they liked the music... but the chances are they don't! I remember seeing a girl in a Sex Pistols top and so I went over to have a chat to her about what her favourite song was etc... turned out she hadn't even heard any of their stuff - she said she'd seen it in Top Shop and just thought it looked pretty and rebellious! Twat.
lol - how'd you see that Madgirl? You were up at nearly 3am this morning...

Anyway, as Tony said - there is no bad publicity.

What makes me wonder is why Dani would want to wear it. Is she, and anyone else who wears that sort of thing as a fashion statement, likely to go to Maiden gigs?

It's like that damned Teenage Dirtbag song. Probably more people know about Iron Maiden through that, than they do from real experience.

Well, let us compare the current time with 1980. Punk, being angry, but utterly skill-less music was all the rage, but people had become bored with it. Soon to come was the NWOBHM. If we think of Nu-Metal like Punk (which it basically is, with a load of American influence thrown in), then the Nu-Wave is not far off!

Yay! ;)
Originally posted by MattBlack
lol - how'd you see that Madgirl? You were up at nearly 3am this morning...

Actually - i was up til 4 and i got up at 11. i dont seem to get much sleep at the mo! :eek: :zzz:

Anyway, as Tony said - there is no bad publicity.

yep thats true....

As for why Dani behr wear that sort of top??? its cuz they are in topshop- therefore it MUST be cool

people like that dont dress themselves anyway- t hey let the wardrobe people do it for them. they dont have to think - they just do as they are told- or as they are told is cool by topshop et al!

Ok ill put me claws away now :lol: