Dismember - The God that Never Was

Dismember - The God that Never Was
Candlelight Records – CDL255 - 07/03/06
By Sam Brokenshaw


You could be forgiven for wondering how on earth Dismember have carried on all this time, after all they rarely deviate from the template established an age ago on "Like an Everflowing Stream". Oddly enough, lately Dismember have sounded healthier than ever. "Where Iron Crosses Grow" served as a huge return to form, some might say against the odds. The latter album bulldozed it's way with sheer ill intent and hooks aplenty, proving that Dismember do have their subtle points amongst the trademark gangrenous stench of chainsaw riffing. The odd melodic lead break has endured, and this new album features plenty of easy to hum melodic moments to contrast the otherwise bone cracking and flesh scything brutality.The second track "Shadow of the Mutilated" features a couple of these moments in addition to a plenty quick shred solo, this should serve as a launch pad for vigorous air guitar and headbanging moments amongst the more energetic of listeners.

In one sense Dismember HAVE changed from their mid period sound, the At the Gates styled almost melodeath meets Stockholm riffing is largely absent, in its place a plethora of traditional tremolo picked guitar lines positively fester and likely will rot the listeners brain after repeated exposure. Track four "Autopsy" (is this a tribute song?!) features one of the more fantastic riffs on the album. Exuding about six metric tonnes of menace and the kind of attitude problem that could land a person in prison, this song tears the ear apart, rending bone and...OK I've run out of Gorey metaphors. Surely you get the picture anyway.

Dismember aren't one of the faster death metal bands on the planet, rather they use extreme belligerence and malcontent to spread the death metal gospel. One might expect the average Dismember album to be cast in stone as what one would find typical of the Stockholm style of death metal. However, Dismember actually pull out plenty of variation and prove themselves more than a mere one trick pony. This album is recommended listening for anyone who likes a bit of brutality and the old school chainsaw death metal riffage of bands such as Entombed ET all. I would call it killer, but that would be a terrible pun now wouldn't it?


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Dismember Official Website
Candlelight Records USA Official Website