distinct sounds


Aug 20, 2003
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hey ,
just (trying) to mix some guit. sounds but where do you guys ususally (which frequency range that is) apply eq to get two sounds really sound distinct ???


:wave: :worship: :wave:
If you can lay your hands on a different amp you should be able to get two different guitar tones. This would be a lot more effective than any EQ you could apply. But the body of guitar tone is in the mids so you could try messing with those to see what you can get.
Hey guys,
thanks for the help i'll try your tips
i have read that you could also use a condenser (1 part) and a dynamic (second part) mic for the different guit. tracks is this correct ?

greets and thanks again ,
damn that's a good question...but i've got more to ask...

So you have you're two different guitar tones and probably cut below 60 hz and above 12khz right? But then what about cutting out ranges that the other instruments take up? Do you just let the guitars sit there as is and then boost the other instruments or what?

I'm having a helluva time figuring all this shit out please help
hey ,
yeah i cut the guitars some around 60-80 hz but 12 khz why is that ?
no normal (mic'd)amp goes that high in frequency response to my understanding ...
lately i am also using alot of multiband compressing sound is getting better with this
i am pretty new with all this stuff
but no i don't let the guitars just sit there i try to even out the complete mix (very hard to do) i cut different instruments to make room for others ...

I cut at about 80-100 Hz and everything above 10-12 kHz. Sometimes this high end cut can be pretty drastic as I really can't stand that buzzing fuzzy hissing sound. I'll also put a notch in at around 900-1100 Hz which is where I'm boosting bass and toms. Then I'll use Andy's C4 settings for taming those low mids... it really works a treat!
I also cut a notch around 900 to let leads cut through, and will often boost the leads with at the same spot. Alot of the stuff I do has nonstop guitar melodies tho, whcih makes this more necesary than it would be in a straight up rhythm guits-drums-bass set up.