Distortion on bass


Oct 17, 2006
what do you use to apply distortion on your bass guitar when you need it?

Actually I use Psa plugin or hardware but I'd like to test something different.

Thank you
if you have Pod Farm, try the sansamp pedal which is the 'bass overdrive'. Works really nice, especially if you layer two of them in conjunction.
Had a PSA but it wasn't clanky enough so I sold it and got a BDDI. Now the BDDI doesn't have enough dist. should have kept the PSA and used them together!
PSA plugin here mostly. Even if the amp's miced with distortion, I'll sometimes stick it on if I need more grind.

Tried the new-ish EBS MetalDrive pedal @ our shop just the other day. Whoa! Have to give it a whirl one of these days.
Mind you it was with a very nice Fender AmStd P-Bass.. :)

I use this as well. I love how the presence of a real miked speaker makes the bass glue with the rest of the mix.

I'll probably look into building a vintage circuit RAT too, sounds neat. You guys that are using a RAT on bass, are you running it straight back into board, into clean amp, into dirty amp or what?
Well if you remember Ola's Video about the bass... "Set the distortion so it sounds like shit"

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Usually we use whatever guitar amp is getting used for the guitars, and a Sans Amp PSA-1. The amp is set to basically sound like mid-range horrid nasal grind with the sans being a little more scooped. Works together nicely.