District 7 | The Place We Used To Call Home (Mix Critique)

hey :) main thing that stands out to me is the drums are too loud and distract from the rest of the track. everything else sounds great though :) any chance you could share the multitracks ?
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hey :) main thing that stands out to me is the drums are too loud and distract from the rest of the track. everything else sounds great though :) any chance you could share the multitracks ?

Thanks man, I realy apreciate your opinion.You are right, but the drums are loud because, at least in my opinion, whole song and groove is based around drums and vocals, so I decided to let them to cut through the mix a litle bit louder.Multitracks are provided by the URM Academy for subscribed users, so I don't know can I share them here?Maybe someone who knows can tell?Cheers man!
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hey no worries . yea i realised after posting this they are on urm (im a subscriber too ) so no you cant share them on here. as for the track as i said they probably need to come down a couple db :) every songs groove is based around the drums. at the mo they are distracting from the other elements which sound great :)
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