Disturbed - U2 cover

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Hidden track on new album. I think it sucks personally. Their Land of Confusion cover was great but this just sounds pretty bad even though they Disturbised it musically where you can't even recognise it apart from the vocal lines. The rest of the album is very solid if you enjoy what they do. Some epic vocals and that typical stacatto, melodic riffing that you usually get from them. I got all their albums from Believe onwards and this is a typical offering from them but maybe with a little more maturity still.

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Very, very not good.....

I'm all for tweaking a classic, but this sounds distorted and out of key. o_O


I just never got into the band in the past, yet somehow, I was intrigued enough to actually pick up a copy of this album to give it at try. Hell, it was only $10 at Best Buy anyway, so I figured - why the hell not?

Overall, I was actually pretty impressed with the album. I actually quite enjoyed it. However, I have to agree with the general consensus that I thought that cover of U2 did suck. I never really cared for that song to begin with, probably due to it having been so damn overplayed on the radio over the years, and these guys certainly did not help it in anyway.

However, I'll have to admit that cover of Tears For Fears "Shout" that Zod posted up above is pretty damn kick-ass though!
Shout and Land of Confusion both made the same impression on me as the original...just kicked up about 10 notches.

It seems like the guitar parts on this one are for a completely different song than the vocals. The vocal melody is somewhat sweet and gentle, even the way Draiman sings it. The heaviness of the instruments just doesn't fit.

Too bad, I like Disturbed. Probably will still pickup the disc though, hopefully they did justice to their own material.
Shout and Land of Confusion both made the same impression on me as the original...just kicked up about 10 notches.

I'll have to go listen to that cover of "Land of Confusion". I thought the song was pretty cool back in the day. If it was as good as that "Shout" cover (another song that I liked the original back in the day as well), it ought to be kick-ass as well. Still, personally, I think the one of the best damn covers I've heard was Saxon doing King Crimson's "Court of the Crimson King".

It seems like the guitar parts on this one are for a completely different song than the vocals. The vocal melody is somewhat sweet and gentle, even the way Draiman sings it. The heaviness of the instruments just doesn't fit.

Too bad, I like Disturbed. Probably will still pickup the disc though, hopefully they did justice to their own material.

I agree with your assessment. It just did not seem to "work" here, plus the fact that I never really did like that song anyway didn't help either. If they were going to cover U2, why the fuck couldn't they done something better like "Sunday Bloody Sunday" instead?

Anyway, crappy cover notwithstanding, if you are a fan of Disturbed, than I would highly recommend grabbing up this CD anyway. I was not a fan of Disturbed myself, but damn, I thought this album kicked some ass! I'll now have to go back and get some of their back catalog. I hear the album before this one was really good as well.
I can't see the YouTube link, but let me gues..."Bullet The Blue Sky"?

Disturbed isn't necessarily a "bad" band, but over the last 10 years they've gotten boring and samey. I saw their show Wednesday night (took my 17 year old son) and aside from a couple songs, they bored me to death. Avenged Sevenfold (w/ Mike Portnoy) blew them away.

Their Genesis and Tears For Fears covers were cool enough...but being the big U2 fan that I am, this one will probably just piss me off.