Diversion of the Masses


New Metal Member
Jun 8, 2007
Diversion of the Masses


Diversion of the Masses have been a band since November '05, and have been perfecting their sound for about a year and a half. They're a 5 piece metalcore/experimental band from Nottingham, UK, and they've had a lot of positive feedback about their live performance. They've supported Devil Sold His Soul on their recent 'Fragile Hope' tour, and recieved a lot of attention locally for that gig.
They're in the midst of arranging several shows, looking at playing at the Dog and Trumpet in Coventry, and they've been arranging a lot of gig swaps with southern bands. They're just about to record their first 3 track demo, and they'll be sending that off to a few critics for some all-important feedback and ideas on their sound.
It'd be great if you guys could check out the song on their myspace atm, the sound quality isn't great but you can get an idea of the tone and the concept of the music.