Division - "Articles of Faith"

Matt Crooks

Feb 13, 2004
Mid-Atlantic, USA
As reported on the band web site...

Division search for new label

A few months ago MetalAges Records informed us that they would no longer be releasing any new albums and will be going on hiatus for an indefinite amount of time. When we found this out, we were most of the way through the recording of “Articles of Faith”. Not wanting to throw away many months of recording, we contemplated shopping two songs from the “Articles” project in order to get a new label. However, after many discussions, we have come to the difficult decision to not shop the “Articles” project.

Instead, we will be spending the next few months writing brand new material, and then recording and shopping that material. We are very excited about this because it will be the first time that this lineup of Division has written anything together. The new material is a continuation of the growth from “Ascension to Eternity” to “Trinity”, and we are very confident that it will be well received.

The recording of “Articles of Faith” will be completed in our spare time, however we will not spend any time mixing the project. We hope that once the follow up to “Trinity” is written and released, that “Articles” will be released, but we really have no idea what will happen with the project. It will definitely see the light of day, but we cannot say if that will be next year or in five years.
zsentient said:
Youz ever checked out the German Label LMP (http://www.limb-music.de/cgi-bin/limb.cgi). I can see Division on that label for some cosmic reason. Good luck, don't quite understand why you would postpone "AOF", but then again I don't understand a lot as the days pass...

Yes we'll talk to Limb once we have a demo.

The reason that we're postponing "AoF" is that it is re-recorded version of old songs, and we don't feel that it is the best material to shop to a new label.
Good luck, you homos!! :D

Hopefully you won't be "not heavy enough for metal
or commercial enough for radio" when you talk with
LMP like some of us. haha :Smug:

See ya soon and give my pseudo-wife some good
lovin' for me. :loco:
