Djenty type thing, Tell me what you think

Feb 7, 2011

So i decided I wanted to take a stab a tubey type clean tone for an intro, with the glitch vst i just found into a more heavy version of basically the same riff. This is just the intro until the first chorus of the song because i haven't written the rest, but I think the concept is cool. I havent eqed the guitars yet but they sound alright.
First, try uploading an mp3 to dropbox next time. Some people here have pretty slow internet and wavs can take a long time to load, and they also don't work in google chrome (which, in case you're reading, google, sucks). Second, your clean tone is pretty good. If anything, it's lacking some mids. Try randomizing some of the effects in the VST, to me the glitch effects sounds a bit... 'dblue glitch vst'-y.
thats because it is dblue glitch haha it is randomized except for the tape stop at the end, is there another vst i could try, i thought it sounded pretty damn good, but this is my first try with glitch software
You can try randomizing the steps and the effects, or make your own sequence. Dblue sounds good, but it's used so much these days it's becoming more and more recognizable, ala pod farm/steven slate/sd2 etc.
ya i know what you mean, its definitely not so original anymore but i think regardless it sounds good on an intro such as this, but i think some of the things that glitch can do other than just randomize that can be used in a more original way though.