Do cigarettes get more dangerous after a while?

Dec 27, 2004
A really really long while?

I found a pack of smokes from about 1960-70, not sure, at my grandparents house. They are rad, just the Presidential Seal, from Camp David. I tried to see if they where worth anything, but I don't think they are, so I might maybe smoke one just for kicks.

Will it kill me or just make me sick/taste real bad?

My bet is it will be just like a month old pack of smokes or somthing, I doubt they get much more shitty with all the chemicles to perserve them, hah.
I'm more worried about opening the pack and realizing I could have sold it for like 80 bucks or somthing, hah.
Ugh, recently I've been smoking when I get drunk. I don't know why, since I'm 22 and never really smoked before, and the thought of doing so whilst sober repulses me somewhat.
The dangers of casual/social cigarette smoking and second hand smoke are drastically exaggerated, if not out right lied about much of the time.
everyone gets cancer, not just smokers :D its just that out of everyone who gets cancer the smokers are the ones who are targeted for marketing purposes i would assume. phillip j morris = fucking brilliant. HEY QUIT SMOKING... SO YOU CAN BUY OUR PATCHES!

quitting cold turkey = only way to go
I used to smoke when I drank, but haven't really done it for a while, I tried it again the other night and found it tasted like shit, ended up smoking a whole lot of weed instead, the night turned out well because of it.
That wasn't bad at all, if not above-par. Didn't even taste stale. They where in the bottom drawer so maybe that perserved them a little or somthing. They where 'L&M long lights' but it certainly wasn't light by any meens. Strong as fuck, so either it got stronger over time, or Ciggs just used to be stronger.