Do I live in a fucking 3rd world country or what?


1 girl in her cups
May 5, 2003
East Bumblefuck
Apparently, our WATER got poisoned. Great. I love getting the shits and fever and maybe dying too young. And I absolutely love coming from a "country where they don't even have clean water -eeeewwwww!". Before, nobody had ever *heard* of this fucking tiny-ass piece of shit excuse for a country; now, people might well be saying "watch out for illegal immigrants froom there; they might have contagious diseases. EEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!1"

I always *loved* living here, anyway.[/sarcasm]
Imagine your whole region had just been warned over the radio about TONS OF BACTERIA IN THE WATER. Yeah, that would be soooooooooooooooooo funny, right?
especially if you were drinking water at the time you discovered this flaw.
Maybe in places with heavy industry, and in big cities in general, people are used to water being too polluted to drink ---and can afford a lot of bottled water. But we don't have any cities here -the country has the population of a medium-sized town (400000) for crying out loud- and we always had clean water!!! And now this shit. AND BOTTLED WATER IS TOO EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok I'll quit fucking bitching about our water suddenly being literally full of shit....and try to get neither too broke nor too dehydrated! ;) ;)
(And no dudes, we're not a part of France or Belgium -we're a tiny-ass country of our own that indeed nobody has heard of before.)
bottled water is cheap in US, which is quiteironic, considering the fact, that Colorado is suffering lack of water source in general. But i don't think it has anything to do with production of bottled water.
SR~VE said:
(And no dudes, we're not a part of France or Belgium -we're a tiny-ass country of our own that indeed nobody has heard of before.)

I'd heard of yas, i jsut didn't know what language you spoke :)
SR~VE said:
(And no dudes, we're not a part of France or Belgium -we're a tiny-ass country of our own that indeed nobody has heard of before.)

Thanks for the info! Damn..that sucks. I always drink water....or else I feel like shit. I can imagine the seriousness of this... Indeed...bottled water is always a scam. Everyone should have the right to drink clean water....for free.
We once had bacteria in the water as well. It was after heavy rain, apparently, some tanks in a cleaning facility flooded over and dirty water got in the clean water area.. it was the Coli bacterium, so basically, there was shit in the water :yuk:
Duh man you're just not used to something worse. In Benelux you at least can drink raw water (well except for the times when 'your whole region is warned over the radio about tonnes of bacteria in the water' :) ) In my native country (well not exactly native but long to explain) - Russia - you can't drink raw water cuz there is ALWAYS something in it. It even tastes like shit. Wanne exchange countries, huh? Im pretty generous today :D