Do you agree here Aja??

Metallicat180 said:

I would say myself something like Aces High or Hallowed Be Thy Name.

Truth be told, they're all hard, especially when you're first learning them- lol!

Aces is definitely one of them (especially on the road with no sleep!) COD can be quite the booty-kicker, too. o_O
The melodic nuances of Moonchild were my most recent challenge (not to mention that evil "I am Lucifer" vibe he gets on that song). It's really the same for me as for the guys who sing this music- the top o' the range songs are the ones that really give you that all-over-body workout. It's humbling and inspiring and always drives home what a world class vocalist Bruce is. :worship:
Air Raid Siren said:
Truth be told, they're all hard, especially when you're first learning them- lol!

Aces is definitely one of them (especially on the road with no sleep!) COD can be quite the booty-kicker, too. o_O
The melodic nuances of Moonchild were my most recent challenge (not to mention that evil "I am Lucifer" vibe he gets on that song). It's really the same for me as for the guys who sing this music- the top o' the range songs are the ones that really give you that all-over-body workout. It's humbling and inspiring and always drives home what a world class vocalist Bruce is. :worship:
I can agree there!! Bruce has got such an amazing voice that it is very hard to sing his songs!!!
That's why I think Aja is so great of a singer. Bruce is a very hard act to follow :worship: It's his voice that I fell in love with. (ok, ok, so it's his good looks too!) :tickled: Seriously, I did see another tribute band (all guys) and the singer couldn't even get the high notes in Run to the Hills. So Aja, as always my darling... YOU RULE!! :worship:

MUCH METAL AND MAGIC! :headbang: :headbang:
I can sing along with Bruce ok but I would probably really struggle without his guidance. The only notes I seem to never be able to get are the last "Aces HIIIIIGH!!" in Aces High which is just fucking impossible, Where Eagles Dare can be a bit dodgy sometimes as can The Thin Line Between Love And Hate. Depends on how warmed up my voice is, not that it matters cos I suck at singing anyway!! Haha!!
Girl, I know whatcha mean about "Aces HI-I-I-I-I-GH!!!!" LOL!!! When we're on the road I have to do 25 extra sit-ups when we do that one :loco:

Here's another but in the opposite direction - Fear of the Dark- This one's challenge is going from the big belting chorus back to the low quiet part.
Air Raid Siren said:
Girl, I know whatcha mean about "Aces HI-I-I-I-I-GH!!!!" LOL!!! When we're on the road I have to do 25 extra sit-ups when we do that one :loco:

Here's another but in the opposite direction - Fear of the Dark- This one's challenge is going from the big belting chorus back to the low quiet part.
Hahahaha - much respect to anyone who can hit that note!!!!

Hmmm, never thought of FOTD being a tough one but I can see where you're coming from. I was also thinking whilst listening to Killers on the bus this morning that Murders In The Rue Morgue might be quite tough as it's got kinda weird timing, same with Phantom Of The Opera.
Metallicat180 said:
Hahahaha - much respect to anyone who can hit that note!!!!

Hmmm, never thought of FOTD being a tough one but I can see where you're coming from. I was also thinking whilst listening to Killers on the bus this morning that Murders In The Rue Morgue might be quite tough as it's got kinda weird timing, same with Phantom Of The Opera.
FOTD is a pretty low-voiced song! Especially for a woman.
RE MITRM - yeah, it's all those unison lines with the guitar and bass, like Phantom. That's what I call an elephant ear song (cuz you need big ears for listening to each other if ya want it to sound good! :p )
Air Raid Siren said:
FOTD is a pretty low-voiced song! Especially for a woman.
RE MITRM - yeah, it's all those unison lines with the guitar and bass, like Phantom. That's what I call an elephant ear song (cuz you need big ears for listening to each other if ya want it to sound good! :p )
I seem to be able to sing that one ok. Stuff like Sign Of The Cross is just ugh! :erk: That one's too low for me!!!

Elephant ear - hahaha!!!! I can imagine you really would - must be great when you pull them off tho!!! :headbang: