Do You Like Art? `or` only drinking, sex and smells like rock n roll?

naOkO benOire

Jan 5, 2005
Hamburg Germany
Some people say metal fans dont use here brain and goes mad and stupid, non interesting in more than rock n roll, sex and drugs, are u?

Whats about anthrax fans? i remember some social lyricles from anthrax goes deeper about (for example) homless ppl in new york or other citys.

i remember much metal bands using social lyricles in metal like metallicas "and justice for all" or much other records nearly the 90`ties releases.

But the last 10 year, i remember not much social subjects in metal music. in this point in time, i see evil bands using stanic stuff, band that message is "me myself and i", mask puppets like slipknot and more dark, growing satanic metal, stuff using stupid messages.

for me, anthrax is not a usually band in rock n roll, for me anthrax is a kind of art, using sounds, lyricles, inspiration, transfering feelings. Do u think its time to renewal the metal sounds early the 90`ties?

Using Art both the lyricle and sound? And ... i wants to know, wich kind of art Anthrax fans likes`?
It sure takes a brain to be an Anthrax fan.
I don´t want to offend anyone but I guess that a few exceptions can be found here and there.
Thank for youre opinion Jonnie.

I waited for first post from user and will post some stuff for art i interested. i like parently comic szene, for closure the french comic szene. in this kind of art, ppl have more and more critical situsations in difrrent times.

For example of the french comic szene is BILAL, Moebius or Richard Corban, Drulette and much more. The last Comic i get, is a very critical Story about the berlin "The wall" times.

If u also interested in this kind of comic, here some pictures and links. I hope some ppl post theire favorite art. for usually metal users likes GIGAR, he created the alien artworks or for example DANZIG "How The Gods Kill Medusa".


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Good point well made.
If you search you will find bands whose lyrics are socially influenced, but I agree that they are the exception these days. It’s mostly doom, gloom, no hope, despair, these days.
Myself I listen, read, and view anything that makes me think or laugh, or just stirs my interest.
If you like 'different' comics, have you read any of 'The Sandman' by Neil Gaiman ?
Now Im off to track down a copy of that comic.
Ragman_kd said:
Good point well made.
If you search you will find bands whose lyrics are socially influenced, but I agree that they are the exception these days. It’s mostly doom, gloom, no hope, despair, these days.
Myself I listen, read, and view anything that makes me think or laugh, or just stirs my interest.
If you like 'different' comics, have you read any of 'The Sandman' by Neil Gaiman ?
Now Im off to track down a copy of that comic.

OH no, i know nothing from this artist but i will search some information about him, iam very hungry for new or secret artist. :hotjump:

If u have some secret undergound links, u makes me happy! sometimes i get much bad google links.

Thank for u opinion! :rock:
I dig M.C.Escher, and Jhonen Vasquez for comics. Giger is really cool too. anyone seen Suicide Girls? that shit is neat.
I think it is cool when bands use lyrics to convey messages, but at the same time, the whole point of rock 'n' roll is to have fun, so I get just as much enjoyment out of silly KISS lyrics as I do socially conscience Bad Religion lyrics.
The problem with bands who do use their lyrics to get a message out, is that they don't realize that most of their fans are, I don't want to say dumb, but how 'bout "very encourageable." A 14 year old SoaD fan is gonna agree with whatever that band says, instead of listening to the lyrics with a wider scope of perspective.
ZTPioneer said:
I think it is cool when bands use lyrics to convey messages, but at the same time, the whole point of rock 'n' roll is to have fun, so I get just as much enjoyment out of silly KISS lyrics as I do socially conscience Bad Religion lyrics.
The problem with bands who do use their lyrics to get a message out, is that they don't realize that most of their fans are, I don't want to say dumb, but how 'bout "very encourageable." A 14 year old SoaD fan is gonna agree with whatever that band says, instead of listening to the lyrics with a wider scope of perspective.
100% agreed. Just like on this board, some fans are agreed with whatever Anthrax do or said! :Smug: