Do you like when people try to audaciously manipulate your sense of sympathy

i.e does this sound like bullshit to you? i mean i hate to be untrusting but this sounds to me like he's basically saying "hey i downloaded some of your work and i was wondering if you could send me even more of it for free"

Hey there,

My name is xxxxx, and I´m from Portugal. I just started to hear your stuff a few weeks ago, but I still have only a couple of songs. I love the kind of music you guys play, specially because it´s different from most bands and I think that´s great, at least that´s my opinion.
You see, I´ve been dealing with a very tragic time in my life, I had a serious car accident a month ago, along with my girlfriend. I had head trauma, nose fractured and 10 stiches on my head. I´m afraid my girlfriend had worst luck, she broke several bones from her face and a few teeth, so she had to go to surgery righ away. We are both recovering, but this takes time... I also found out a couple of weeks ago, that a small bump I have on my forehead is a little piece of glass, so I still have to go to surgery, but I can only do that when I´ll make the surgery to "remove" the scar on my forehead, and that can only be done in a couple of months.
What I am trying to say is that, through this very difficult time in my life, and your music in some way has been helping me. As you can imagine, I spend most of my time at home, so music is mostly what I do, and that´s when I got to know you guys.
I would like to know if by any chance it were possible to get one of your albums, signed by you guys. That would be so great.
Anyway, if that can´t be done, there is no problem, really.
Thanks for taking your time reading this email until the end, and I thank you again for the music you play, it´s really good and helps me dealing with all this, in some way.
Keep on playing what you are playing!
Take care and best of luck,

Incidentally here is my response. I thought he may have appreciated the response which I felt was on par with his own sense of inappropriateness:

Hi xxxxx-
> Thanks for writing. I'm very sorry to hear about your unfortunate accident,
> and I wish you a speedy recovery. Incidentally we don't have CDs to sell or
> give away out of home. All of that kind of thing is handled by the label
> and distributor.
> However, let it be known that I actually collect teeth. Although it is
> indeed sad that you and your girlfriend had an accident and, as you said,
> had some teeth go astray, perhaps it is (however marginally) a blessing in
> disguise. I would in fact be willing to get a CD for you from the label and
> trade it for teeth. If you happen to have some extras lying around, get
> back to me and let's discuss this possible arrangement. In any case best of
> luck to you, and please get well soon.
and his response to that:

Is that some kind of joke...?
Just forget it...
Take care.

Do you guys think he was trying to pull one over on us or do you think his email was genuine? Even if it was genuine I still kind of think he should know better than to try to play the sympathy card like that, right? In any case, I was serious about the teeth...
Even if it was bullshitting/manipulating, you weren't directly told:
- I'm not prepared to pay money.
- It is a problem if you can't send stuff.

I doubt this will help, but these are my suggestions as to who it could be:

- Someone from the Opeth forums still upset that you don't <3<3<3<3<3<3 Opeth.
- Someone who doesn't have the money.
- Someone who genuinely went through this accident, likes your music, and forgot to mention paying for the album.
- A genuinely bad person.

Uh yeah, sorry I can't properly help.
hm. difficult. i recall seeing several letters like this from various foreign countries trying to get free albums, and all were pretty much ignored.

the broken english makes it difficult; in most cases i'd say he didn't have the cards to play a hand that cunning, and it's likely sincere. i think as americans we have a certain sense of doubt against our fellow man's intentions that is not necessarily valid elsewhere. not that all those from foreign countries are trustworthy, but maybe take a look at the overall demeanor/cultural mannerisms of those indigenous to his country, & i know nothing of portuguese people. and responding like you did is more fun anyway, so screw it. one man does not make a country.

anyway, how many teeth does a cd go for these days?
wow, 4 teeth! oh, that's for a signed cd.

i found an autographed Donald Trump book at the $1 i bought for a friend's birthday (every year we buy each other a bag of crap from the $1 store). maybe he'd like that if he's into autographed memorabilia.
That irked me a lot.. basically he said "With the click of a button I downloaded half of what you worked hard for 2 years and spend thousans of dollars on, and I thought if I told you that it moved me, you would feel obligated to send me the rest of it, plus artwork, for free. Actually it'll cost you about twenty bucks but, hey, I had a car accident and I was probably driving drunk and/or like an asshole anyway."