Do you shop at the end records?


crazed tattooed metalhead
Jan 19, 2002
THE END RECORDS is on the move and we are offering our biggest discount ever!
We are putting everything on sale to help us clean up our entire inventory before the big move!
With the “Lucky 13” promotion not only will you get amazing deals on thousands of great items, but it’ll help make things easier for us traveling to our new facilities on the East Coast with so much inventory.
All you have to do is enter the code "Lucky13" in the promotion code section at checkout and your order will be discounted 13%.
Again the discount applies to every item in the web shop! Thank You!!! - THE END NOMADS
ps. As if this not enough we offer a $13 Gift Certificate if your order is over $150 (not including shipping fee)
This promotion will run from 07/13 through 08/10.
Omega Mail-Order:
I have placed over 50 orders with them over the last two years with no issues - I have been very happy. Good prices with no shipping charges.

I just placed an order tonight for:

Cloudscape - Crimson Skies
Coldseed - Completion Makes The Tragedy
Redemption - The Fullness of Time
Beyond Twilight - Section X
Beyond Twilight - The Devil's Hall of Fame
Circus Maximus - The First Chapter
Shaman - The Ritual
Highland Glory - Forever Endeavour
Starbreaker - Starbreaker (slipcase)
Viron - NWOGHM
Aska - Avenger

Total sale was just over $125 with the "Lucky13" promo.

Take advatantage of it!!!
Wow, I'll definitely head over there soon.

I've ordered from them often without problems. Others have reported longer shipping times recently, but I still haven't had a problem. I had one large shipment arrive in four business days, which is great for SLC -> Atlanta and free shipping. (!)

Haven't ordered from them in over a year, though. I blame this no-longer-new house. :D
Pellaz said:
Others have reported longer shipping times recently, but I still haven't had a problem.

They are quite erratic when it comes to time for shipping. In the last year or so, I have had packages arrive 2 or 3 days later and some 3 weeks later and everything in between. :erk:

I still use them because they got a good selection, decent prices, and you do get your just never know when.
My favorite place to order from online. They have always been extremely quick in sending my orders, unlike CM.
Metalhed said:
I have placed over 50 orders with them over the last two years with no issues - I have been very happy. Good prices with no shipping charges.

Take advatantage of it!!!
:rock: :kickass: Damn right! These guys kick ass!
sinerchris said:
lemme tell you somethin' man...
i just got the new Ensiferum DVD over there for like $12. INSANITY.


Yeah, I ended up buying the Ensiferum DVD off of Ebay last week not thinking the End would get it. I paid 25 for it.... :waah: