do you smell that?


Sep 11, 2006
in an apartment
I just joined the ultimate metalheads and i would like to introduce mystench. i am a white dude .i am an omnivore . i ate lead paint as a child (seriosly) I listen to metal . i like old slayer ,old overkill,testament ,possesed ,bathory,dissection,entombed,c&c music factory,agalloch,immortal,and most stuff thats not crap . i drink heavily at times . i play a jackson DKMG .my current favorite song is ; Screaming in the oven-Hypertricosis .
Blue_Jay said:
Leave already. I hate you for acting like an idiot. You are not welcome here.

go away if your not going to welcome people
thank you for being an a$$hole .that makes me feel jay's are ugly birds,and you should eat paint .it will change your perspective on the world.

Nice... you have grammar problems. I don't welcome stupid people, get used to it. They just annoy me and I never seem to get along with them.
and fyi, i get the strangest feeling even if you have perfect grammar you would be welcomed the same way. read your posts and realize how stupid they are.

I just joined the ultimate metalheads and i would like to introduce mystench. i am a white dude .i am an omnivore . i ate lead paint as a child (seriosly)

i got this far and then i knew we had an idiot on our hands.