Do you Spotify?


Halcyon Way Sufferer
Jan 7, 2002
So, the service is in Canada now and I tried it. Being a fair minded individual, I clicked on an Amaranthe album. Made it about 90 seconds before I gave up. That 90 seconds is lost forever.
I'd rather have sex with a handful of broken glass than listen to Amaranthe

I'd rather be banned from... Wait a second :OMG:

It's strange for me to listen to it. I'm used to earning $ and spending that $ on music. Vinyl back in the 70s & 80s, tapes, CDs, iTunes, emusic etc.
I never spotify but I will go to youtube to hear samples. I have never really sat and listened to a whole album that way though. In this day and age blind buying is insane unless you are at a show and don't have a phone with you. There are so many ways to hear stuff first.
yeah I was cracking up when it happened...he had that whole forum in an uproar.

Minimal Effort
Maximum Gain


There wasn't just one thing I cracked on either. What was my repertoire again?

Halcyon Way;
Commenting on some PP inner circle drive to get Andrew WK to hang out with them at PP;
Emperor jokes;
Volbeat jokes;
Amaranthe jokes;
Not ass kissing Harvester;
Angra jokes;
Critiquing next year's lineup (waiting to see what Angra Rules has to offer before buying a ticket);
Saying Redeemer of Souls is better than whatever else the board listens to (it's true!);
70s & 80s were better (see ROS);
Calling out a coward who jumped in on a piling on and generally not falling in line with the status quo.

Anyway. It was fun while it lasted. Let them worship and bend over when directed.
You got off easy, I think in some parts of the world and throughout history tyrants could and would have you killed for having your own opinions.

Hmm... Maybe my punishment would have been an active participant in Corset Night?!? Nah. I'm too attractive :Smug:
Fair enough :)

Non stop listening of Volbeat & Amaranthe mashed together.

You do realize I was being sarcastic right?

Maybe it is because I'm not masochistic enough, but I prefer my ladies to actually be into metal, to have a favorite band such as Angel Witch, and to be able to sing along to Grim Reaper and Saxon songs oppose to wearing corsets in hopes to get attention merely for having tits.... But that is just me.
To each their own I suppose, just not sure what it has to do with metal - and that chicks book did not help to clear it up.
I see the point. Regardless of gender, one must actually like the music as opposed to pretending to via fashion.

At any rate, even if Harvester apologized my time is done there. The Hall was banned by the Wimps and Posers :heh: