Do you think Karl Sanders has earned his place alongside Trey and Chuck yet?

in terms of death metal...

  • I don't know Nile, Morbid Angel, or Death well enough

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Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Speaking at least from a guitar playing perspective, I wouldn't even begin to consider transcribing NILE material. It is SO advanced, technical, and progressive....and even that aside, the music itself demolishes you like an Egyptian wargod pummeling you into dust.

That is what NILE is all about: just a barrage of slaughter and fiery sacrifice.

On top of this, Karl has also released the solo album featuring ambient/atmospheric multi-instrument so he's obviously got the talent to compose all sorts of songs.

Is he up there now with Trey and Chuck?
Oh come on, are you kidding?!?! Technical, sure, but so what? Chuck and Trey were innovative before anything else. Not only were they at the top of their game in their prime, they were also the first! And that puts them miles ahead of these egyptian jews!
Crimson Velvet said:
Oh come on, are you kidding?!?! Technical, sure, but so what? Chuck and Trey were innovative before anything else. Not only were they at the top of their game in their prime, they were also the first! And that puts them miles ahead of these egyptian jews!

That's a good point.

Thing is, how many other Egyptian death metal bands are there (from the bible belt)? That's got to work in NILE's favor in terms of innovation. :loco:

But otherwise you're saying that Trey and Chuck get bonus points for doing it first, more or less. Hmm...
Oh, definately! Innovation is extremely important to me! And, coincidentaly, I always seem to enjoy the earlier bands more, with only a few exceptions.

But, it is just common sense, after all... I mean:

Burzum... or Wigrid?
Slayer... or Avenged Sevenfold?
Suffocation... or Decapitated?
Bathory... or Morrigan?
Helheim... or Nasheim? :loco:

you get the point!
Trey > Karl >
Crimson Velvet said:
Oh, definately! Innovation is extremely important to me! And, coincidentaly, I always seem to enjoy the earlier bands more, with only a few exceptions.

Just playing devil's advocate but then in that case, DEATH owes a shitload to SLAYER (from Chuck's early days), and I seriously think Slayer don't get nearly as much credit as they deserve considering they pioneered brutality itself.

That said, I can agree with Trey being a true innovator -- I mean, "Altars..." pretty much came out of nowhere and defined a new sound altogether.

And to be completely honest, I don't think either MA or Death ever conjured the horrific atmosphere of something like "Black Seeds of Vengeance". That album violates you with Nubian sodomy.

Personally I'd like to see what Nile do next because their last album was just too straightforward and polished. I might as well have been listening to something like Zyklon.
the thing with Trey and Chuck is that I HEAR their soul in their music ... with Nile I hear a technically proficient gimick creator ...

fucking hicks :loco:
JayKeeley said:
Just playing devil's advocate but then in that case, DEATH owes a shitload to SLAYER (from Chuck's early days), and I seriously think Slayer don't get nearly as much credit as they deserve considering they pioneered brutality itself.

Always. :p


Slayer > Death > Nile
Fuck, I voted the wrong thing. "Not even close" would've been my choice. I'm with Crimson on all his points, there's no contest. Innovation > technicality. Mind you, I've never been impressed by Nile, on CD or live, so I might not be the best person to ask. None the less, Azagthoth is incomparable.
Necuratul said:
Mainly the first two.

See, I would have thought these albums were the least inspiring compared to later Death works. I listen to the first Death album (and shit, I listen to "Seven Churches" by Possessed) and I realize how phenomenal Slayer were to have been there and done that already -- if indeed that's the argument people are using.