Do you want to live in the past, present or future?


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
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I always find myself dwelling on this subject. And this question assumes that time travel is possible, and no matter where you went, you'd be the same as you are now, with the same information stored in your brain.

The Past: It always seems to be "simpler" in the past. There have always been bumps in the road (and actually some really big ones - can you say Hitler?), but at least I'd know what to expect. But, would I worry too much about trying to change things that I thought were bad in the future, and somehow alter today?

The Present: I'm always here, and probably just sick and tired of being in the same "place" - the here and now.

The Future: The unknown is scary, but also intruiging (sp?). It would offer even a greater challenge, because I wouldn't have any information between now and whatever future I'd find myself in. How would I "catch-up?".

For me, I'd probably stay right where I am, because I'm not enough of an explorer to leave what I know.
It would be fun to go to some ancient civ. like the Summerians that we know little about and amaze them with what you know (after you learned their language). I would like to go into the FAR past, but I wouldn't care to go to early America or medieval times.

I would really like to go to the future though, just look at how time has been so far.. in MOST ways life gets better as time goes on (assuming we don't kill ourselves) I would love to see future technology and culture.. although I think computers are going to dominate. And it would be very interesting to see what music has evolved into, assuming it hasn't all turned into pop or rap hehe. I'm sure entirely new genres would be there that sounded nothing like anything we've heard... ok i'm done.
That was my first thought too, mikael, but if you read the first post you'll find it's an irrelevant argument.
i like this topic
but i like to live in the world create by everything i know and imagine. but then it wouldn't have any suprise. it's not matter when i live, but where. becuz new york really suck.
Sorry, but I can't suspend my disbelief enough to funnly envision what time travel would be like. I have thought about it before, but being too analytical......

Maybe if I went all the way bac k to the time fo the dinosaurs, where my actions would have no reprecussions on the world we live in today. If I could choose any one moment in time to witness though, it would have to be the moment of creation. Be it big bang or whatnot. If there were to be and end of the universe that would be next on my list.
I think all that happens in between these two events is just filler, maybe not so essentially of import.
I would like to travel back and see what this Jesus person was all about. I don't practice any form of religion unless believing that "the kingdom is within" can be clasified as being some form religion. There is no better time then the present since we have sportscenter and Opeth!

Enjoy the moment......
I've often toyed with the thought of going back in time to an ancient culture and possibly amaze them with bits of trivial information. I think Egypt would be the most interesting; going there and seeing how the pyramids were actually built. On the other hand, they might have possessed technology beyond our comprehension. (Yeah, I've read some Däniken lately. :D )

The scientific me wants to travel a thousand years into the future and be awestruck.
The future would be so interesting. To go there and see what's changed. I wonder if it'd be like Napoleon in Bill & Ted's coming to the future and just being wowed. Or would you get there and the world is run by androids? :eek: That'd be some creepy shit. What music would evolve in to is another wonder on my mind.

I think the present is just boring filler between 2 greater times. These few hundred years are pretty much the same and the greater events in the world are before and after theses times. :)

I want to be back in the times when the only transportation was horses and wagons and everyone that had a house had 30 acres of land with it. But, I don't because women were treated like shit in the past. But I still liked those times. Then you can go even further back into the medieval days. I'm sort of hung up on those times, but again the women of those times...I wouldn't ask for that. Ah, the hell with it. If I had a time machine and I could go to any time...Luke's in the same ballpark. Back to the beginning of creation...well, maybe not that far back. I don't know. Adam & Eve's time. When humans would have been considered an "endangered" species.

Endangered. HAH! Not anymore! Boy, did we blow that one right out of the ballpark.


I am sworn to the oath
To breathe...
My fascination for the nineteenth century dictates that I'd love to be there, provided I was wealthy.

I suppose it's a different story if we were unable to return if we found our new time to be distasteful to us.

But my wish would be the late nineteenth century. Preferably England.
Are we talking like if u go into the past you still know what will happen untill you travelled back. And if you go into the future you know all thats been inbetween when you travelled time and where u r now? (if u get what I'm saying)

Overall I think I'm happy with the present. I wouldn't like to live in the past particullaly cos I like and am used to all the advantages I'm sure I take for granted now. I also don't particulally like the idea of the future so...
My thoughts when starting this thread were:

If you go into the past, you have all the knowledge/history that you have accumulated to that point in time when you travel back.

If you go into the future, you have no knowledge of what happened between the point in time you leave to your destination point.

I'm not looking for a change the world type answer, more of a - are you happy here, or is there some time in the past that looks more appealing, or do you want to plop yourself into the unknown future?
Originally posted by Opet
...well, maybe not that far back. I don't know. Adam & Eve's time. When humans would have been considered an "endangered" species.

Endangered. HAH! Not anymore! Boy, did we blow that one right out of the ballpark.


Ironic thing is that we may be turning the tables on ourselves with everyones favourite vehicle(making babies) overpopulation.
Hmmm... I suppose I would like to go forward to the future to see if I get laid. If not, then I'd like to go back to the past when I was getting it five times a day, and bloody well stay there.
:lol: :err: :rolleyes: Don't like the present so much?

You need the 80's. Punky Brewster aired on TV. Her quirky little tricks will make you feel better.
