does a slow video card choke the overall computer performance!?


Feb 18, 2008
hey guys,

being a gamer, i never owned a slow non-gaming video card,
my actual computer is OK but i'm thinking about getting a new one asap.

i spent so much money on video cards in my life and it was always
dissapointing as i am very picky when it comes to computer games.

i played only four games since i bought a XFX HD5870 last year and it
doesn't look good that there will be any good and interesting PC games
coming out soon, so basically the 5870 is becoming obsolete :/

that aplies to the new machine also. i do not want to spent 500€ on a video
card as i know that it will be rather used, as the games are getting more and
more stupid and i am losing every interest in PC gaming.

so, what will happen if i consruct a high end computer and throw in a
cheap low power vicdeo card in?

will it choke down the computer/performance?

tere are always people saying that a fast CPU needs fast RAM to
work properly and that slower components slow down the computer in general.
i am speaking exclusivelyof the video card,
all other components will be

anything true about this?

not looking for an on board card, more like a 50-100 euro nvidia passive cooling whatever.
so i should be fine with this and my new hi end computer will not be slowed down?
That's what I've used to avoid extra noise and I've never had an issue in a DAW situation.

i also want a blu ray drive and i am buying a big TFT (or a LED TV),
for movies and stuff. will a simple video card be powerful enough for this? :)

nah i do not want old components to be in a brand new PC,
i've made bad experience with this so i'd better buy something new :)
if you're really worried about it just get a supercheap 9000 series from nvidia. i saw one for $10 the other day.

yeah but will it, slow down the computer?
it's a shitty compromise. i want a card that's quiet and that stays cold.
on the othe rhand if such a card will choke down my computer i'd rather
buy an expensive gamer card, which of course wil make mor enoise and
eat too much power :bah:
I don't see why a slow video card will cause performance issues outside of gaming and hd video. It's not like haveing slow RAM which creates a bottleneck between the processor.
Non-powered cards would affect performance, powered cards would not (I'm assuming you got/are gonna get at least a 750w PSU). It doesn't matter if they're low-end or high-end.

Off-topic: Thinking of getting an XBox 360 within a few weeks. I miss GOW. And it hurts not being able to play GOW2. :(
Hey Dude,

ich hab mir vor paar Tagen erst meinen neuen PC zusammengebastelt, hab mich davor in nem Forum beraten lassen von nem Typen, der sich anscheinend recht abartig auskannte. Da ich nen recht leisen PC wollte, hab ich mir auch ne passive GraKa gekauft. Am ende wurde es ne 1024MB Sparkle GF-GTS450 passiv GDDR5 PCIe. Ist recht günstig und hat immer noch guten Wumms (reicht auf jeden Fall für deine Anwendungen). Hoffe das hilft dir weiter.


Sorry for German :D
Hey Dude,

ich hab mir vor paar Tagen erst meinen neuen PC zusammengebastelt, hab mich davor in nem Forum beraten lassen von nem Typen, der sich anscheinend recht abartig auskannte. Da ich nen recht leisen PC wollte, hab ich mir auch ne passive GraKa gekauft. Am ende wurde es ne 1024MB Sparkle GF-GTS450 passiv GDDR5 PCIe. Ist recht günstig und hat immer noch guten Wumms (reicht auf jeden Fall für deine Anwendungen). Hoffe das hilft dir weiter.


Sorry for German :D

GPU der Kraft von PSU nicht zeichnet stellt viele Belastung auf die Motherboard. Verringert Leistung.

Haha, my german sucks. I'm Bangladeshi. :P