does anybody know...


Multis Periculis Supersum
Aug 31, 2001
α Piscium
Where i can find metal ringtones for my Nokia?
the ones i found, aren't good enough or are full with nu-metal shit....
I have a dreamtheater-ringtone right now but i want more!
Let me know...

xxx Iris xxx
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Iris, I remember seeing something on the IRON MAIDEN website about heavy metal ring tones. It was about a month ago but the tones available included SABBATH, MAIDEN, METALLICA, and SLAYER. There may have been more but I'm not for sure. Also, to enitharmon, I try not to live without METAL. Everday I wake up I want to hear some type of METAL/HARD ROCK. Yes, I cannot live without METAL. (I probably could but choose not to.) Along with METAL, mobile phones are a great supplement to life, and mobiles can really help out in an emergency like a car wreck. In closing, I thought the quote was, "IF GOD DID NOT EXIST, WOULD IT BE NECESSARY TO INVENT HIM?"


I think I saw it as it is on a T-shirt, but anyway I like my version more, people cannot live without a religion, they are too weak, they would invent one anyway.

And you said it very well, we need mobiles for an emergency, but that doesn't mean that we have to give them "special" ringtones and covers! It is not important. It is a tool and nothing more. You could invest your money better than paying for ringtones just because it is "trendy". Metal is to be heard only from a stereo, with real instruments and not electronically.
oh for fucks sake who gives a shit... you are saying that cell phones that have different ring tones are not important, well yeah, and then look at about 99% of the shit you own... do you really need it, is it that important. I say, who cares, just have some fun, if pointless items make your life seem better so be it. Create Your Own Religion

"Metal is to be heard only from a stereo, with real instruments and not electronically."

hahahaha okay, thanks for telling me the only way metal is supposed to be heard
I am down like a dog, and I have a curry thing to goto...later


MOBILE PHONES likeall gadgets sux, just like my matey LSD says..
Religion! What a word? So what is religion anyway? Could someone really answer me that? Is the mobile industry religion? Is music industry religion? Is anything religion?
What consists a good religion?
Is it a god someone must create, so that one will have to start building a religion arround the god he created? If so, how come you don't take an already existing god and join his religion. Why build a new god, therefor a new religion? Aren't there enough gods already?
I say this: "Don't create any religion, just create good music.:heh:".
We don't say christian or muslim fools, we say religious fools, don't we?
Well just think and do what you think is right and good. Count on yourselves, believe in your strength, have faith in your own ideals and elevate the level of your mind and perception. Be calm and make your spirit lucencefull.
And if you believe that you have a soul don't bother saving it.
For NoLordy has already taken it. :devil::lol:
i asked a question, i got a reply or seven...and it's ending up by a subject as religion? Just don't start on that one, it almost ruined my life, you don't know shit about me.
Let me tell you this:
As far as it has to be used for an emergency, i bought one because i needed it...
For a long time, i didn't wanted to have that thing, because i'm used to solve things out for myself, without help from technical stuff.
BUT..the ironic part of this is, i got robbed three weeks ago. Two Moroccan guys on a scooter, started to molest and threathening me and while the driver was " talking at me" the other one, grabbed my bag. I lost everything, my purse and my i.d...(which is very important to me because that was my first I.D. with my new name). I took my mothers name two years ago.. I shall spare you the details why i did that. Anyway, they just kept driving next to me,staring at me the whole time...i wish i had a mobile at that time.
I was AFRAID, afraid that they would do something to me. They tried to grab me and wanted to pull me off my bike. I'm glad, i got so mad, that i kicked the one on the back, so hard...that he yelled at me and i was lucky, that they drove away.. Lucky for them too i guess, some one took my dignity a long time ago, and it took me years to get it back. I would do anything to avoid the fact, that it will happen to me a second time..........
So please, stop trying to teach me something about religions, or trendy stuff. I have one believe, i try to believe in myself! It's hard and a lonely one, but atleast i have one!
I just bought that mobile because i felt the need for it, that's it! I just asked a simple question and all i hear is moralistic bullshit!

And Zanex, thank you for not judging...that was a very refreshing post, between all the rest of the crap!

xxx Iris xxx
cruel world, isn't it. My deepest apologies, if my post made you feel bad in any ways, but this is not about judging you or your (and anyone else's here and everywhere) beliefs in no way. I am sorry that you took it that way. but tttt i think that a mobile wouldn't help as much as martial arts in your case.

btw do you know where i can find logos for my siemens mob.?:tickled:
Hey battle angel- your religion sucks hahahahah... no man, religion isnt the probably, it is the people involved in some religions, the majority of religious people are primarily good people... they just don't believe in all the same things as you or I do... but does that even matter

Create Your Own Religion
Here come the Riders as the wheel of Dharma's running out of time. Thank you, Mr. Dickinson.

Anyway, I saw some cool ringtones, and I want Fear of the Dark from Iron Maiden as mine (Intro Riff)
It's not your fault. I just got mad because of the fact that i ask a question and everything got twisted and we ended up by religion.
I had the need to explain myself, so i did... Thnx for posting, see you around here!

P.S. Siemens? Why not a Nokia?:p

:hotjump: Iris :hotjump:
Thats what my company gave me. and don't worry about the posts here. everyone gets carried away by any post. that is the real meaning of forums i think...

See ya!
yeah how in the hell did religion get brought up anyway??? Who knows, it was probably me hahaha.. anyway, here is anohter perspective on cell phones... Without them, how in the hell would I get in touch with my drug dealers, hahahaha, see cell phones are not so bad. But in time they may cause cancer, also don't drive while talking... I saw a good one today, a girl was driving while talking on her cell and smoking a cigarette at the same time. I had to laugh and applaud her for this great feat. Later all