Does anyone have the new disc yet?

In Mourning

New Metal Member
Jul 23, 2002
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I really want to know how it is! The 3 songs I've heard sound amazing! Please post your reviews here to hold me over! Lucky metalfest bastards. :lol:
I've posted my thoughts in a couple other threads here. I'm going to write a proper review shortly for a magazine I write for here in denver (check it out at (if ND is interested, i'd be happy to do an interview for an upcoming issue)).

shortly put, I think its the bands best work to date. :) should have gone to metalfest. It's always worth the hassle.
Ahem, I am one of the lucky metalfest bastards (or I should say bitches:p )

In Mourning, the MP3's that you heard so far are just a precursor to the wonderful ambience that you will get from the entire album. Count the days man!:headbang:
Originally posted by Novembers Paul
I just want to know where you downloaded it from! What's your source? I'd like to know for personal use actually. And don't worry about deleting it, just by it in September. haha!

I personally got it from a usenet mp3 place on Xnews (kinda hard to explain o_O )

I have seen it however all over mIRC metal mp3 channels....

If you don't know how to use mIRC and need to btw. you can just PM me ....i wrote a very thorough guide once in the Opeth forum and still have it :)

Oh and btw. Paul ....thanks for getting me into Doom metal :D (well .....November's Doom and MDB)
Originally posted by Slipknot_isn't_metal

If you don't know how to use mIRC and need to btw. you can just PM me ....i wrote a very thorough guide once in the Opeth forum and still have it :)

Oh and btw. Paul ....thanks for getting me into Doom metal :D (well .....November's Doom and MDB)
Hey there!
I'm actually a frequent mIRC user since years (check #doom-metal on undernet) but I get new users in some of the channels that I'm in every day. So I'm pretty interested in that guide, to forward it to those people when needed. Would you be so kind to mail or PM it to me or something?

BTW, Paul: long time no see :)
Originally posted by Heiko

Hey there!
I'm actually a frequent mIRC user since years (check #doom-metal on undernet) but I get new users in some of the channels that I'm in every day. So I'm pretty interested in that guide, to forward it to those people when needed. Would you be so kind to mail or PM it to me or something?

BTW, Paul: long time no see :)

Sorry dude....i kinda lost it :mad: .....and then when i checked the damn Opeth forum it was allready gone ....I am really sorry, if i did have it on me I'd PM ya....

I feel bad now :cry:
Originally posted by Demonspell
Heard three songs from the new album today...if forever and lost in a day are great. Torn is OK, even if Paul hates it...I agree that the vocal arrangement kinda sucks :)

Hate is a strong word. It's by far my least favorite on the CD. My problems not even with the vocal arrangement as much as the piece overall. I just don't think it came out like I had imagined it. Im sure there will be people who like it, and im sure some wont. It's hard to please everyone!