I feel stupid asking you guys this, but I've been trying. FOR SO LONG!!!
So, could anyone help a dumb-ass out?
ok heres a REAL answer. it will be long but it you really wanna do it read on.
alright first of all. there is a mathamatical procedure to "pinch harmonics". alright. some people may call it "sweet spots" but really, each harmonic is 24 frets above the given note. so lets say you wanna do a pinch on the 7th fret g string, you roughly estimate 24 frets up and do it. this may seem hard to figure out but you pretty much remember where each one for each note is after a while.
If that would be right, you could only play one harmonic for each note. But that's not true! You can play different p. harmonics for each note. So that prooves your general statement as wrong.
when i do it i usually move my hand + pick downwards and hold the pick almost perpendicular to the string ---- that slows me down... is that the right method ?
when i do it i usually move my hand + pick downwards and hold the pick almost perpendicular to the string ---- that slows me down... is that the right method ?