Does Anyone Listen to....


Sep 7, 2001
Does anyone here listen to a band called OPETH? If not you should they are amazing. :D
opeth..... do you guys have any taste in music whatsoever? you guys should be listening to some real music like lil bow wow and lil romeo and lil kim and lil zayne and lil wayne and lil mo and lil put my cock in your mouth. lol :p
there is so many lil's and they all suck the big one
I love the female vocals and keyboards in all of Opeth's albums, thats why they are my
Opeth? Hah! Everyone around here calls them the Hanson of metal.

REAL metal is Manowar. Brothers of True Metal, proud and standing tall!

If you do not like metal.. then leave the hall.
Opeth is mmmetal ? Pheeeww... Metal sucks ! We, the culturally educated people cannot tolerate such critically unacclaimed musikk ! Why do they call us snobs, I don't know... I haven't heard much metal, but metal sucks, it's dumb ! I listen to Robbie Williams sometimes though.

The Snowman
shi- I bes ea-in thum fried chickin jis yeffuhday, an sum nigga be sayin "say, whodi, I is gettin down wit dat Opeth, ya HEARD me? Dey has some PHAT fuckin beats, word!" shi- dat nigga bes all wrong an mess up inna head. I pumps up dat Opeth shit in mah tricked out caddy, an alls I heard is noise. I poppa cap in dat brothah's ass next time i be seein him.

( entire thread dedicated to proving how bored we are)
Originally posted by Hearse

Are you looking at my bra's?

I would, but your small picture doesn't show them. I'm sooo disappointed. Next time you should take a full-body picture.

-Villain (who rather spends time humming Russian folk-tunes than listening to shit like Opeth)
You're all poseurs, every last one of you. Completely incompetent. It's a shame you will never understand the genius of Opeth. :) I must have been redirected, does anyone like Opeth here? Still Life? Morningrise? Aren't those two of the best albums ever made? It's shameful that I'm the only one who seems to think this way here... :)
yo yo these beats are heavy hip hop tunes, know what im sayin (as its apparent i dont) yeah yeah heavy bro heavy, im feelin it. rap is heavy, what other music will repeatedly use the words ho, bitch, nigga, and yo a hundred times a song, and cant sing themselves so they get other people to come and sing in their songs, and well all they sing is ''yo yo Dr Dre in da house'' and tings, im feelin them skills, player, player yo yo bitch ass nigga, yo chillin. watch for my video with bouncing cars in it:p
Whats an Opeth? Is that similar to a Borknagar? They sound good, maybe with pepper...thats funny, my porn name is Peth and all the hot blondes scream "Oh, Peth, you rule!". And can anyone tell me what Thyrfing is? Or an Agalloch? Are those health foods or herbs or something? An everyone knows Slipknot is TRUE metal.