does bassbitch watch soccer?

Hmmmmm... i can't say I've ever seen Feles do that (I can only imagine the vet bills!!), but then again, things are always in quite a disarray when I come home from work. I think he's much more a fan of wrestling than "football", actually, as I often see him sparring with Desmond, or find tell-tale tufts of fur scattered hither and thither.

As for the lady of the house, little Molly has taken to becoming a doggie. I found these little fur balls at Petco, and Molly loves to play fetch with them. She'll bring them to me, meow, wait for me to throw it, bring it back, meow, wait for me to throw it.

Ahhhh to be so easily entertained...

Oscar, my 26 lb. cat would just plug the goal and Rosco the normal sized cat has tried to take out football players on the big screen TV before. The two squirrels havethe jump stuff down, but would wanna crack hte ball open to see if it's got food inside.
alanbirdsell said:

Oscar, my 26 lb. cat would just plug the goal and Rosco the normal sized cat has tried to take out football players on the big screen TV before. The two squirrels havethe jump stuff down, but would wanna crack hte ball open to see if it's got food inside.
