Does everyone understand the importance???

Mar 28, 2002
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To see Blind Guardian's first EVER U.S. appearance? Blind Guardian, one of the grandfather's of this style of music, finally playing the U.S. This will indeed be a very special night for that reason...

I heard Mirror Mirror back in May of 99, and proceeded over the next three and half years to spend close to 5000 bucks on Euro Prog/Power metal. Blind Guardian being the main reason why I even heard of any of this kind of music, with now finally getting the chance to see them after thinking I never would, will truly be an emotional moment when the lights go down, the chanting starts, and bards begin their musical dominance of North America.

"Niiiggghhhtttffaaallll" awaits!!!
I'm going to second the vote that you chill out slightly, and also remind you that it's equally important that you remember the importance of having Kai Hansen (of Gamma Ray, in the event that you didn't know) here. I admit I'm not sure whether Helloween ever toured the US while he was in the band and therefore can't say for absolute certain whether this is his first time playing here, but because of his work in Helloween, he's even more of a "grandfather" of the scene than Blind Guardian, by a few years (though again, this is Gamma Ray here, not Helloween, so we won't be hearing those songs, but Gamma Ray is awesome too, and only behind BG by two years or so in starting).

Ryan (I suppose the band I'm listening to now has them all beat, chronologically, though certainly not on this album)
I know that Helloween toured with Overkill and Anthrax back in 1987/88 on the MTV sponsored tour which puts Kai Hansen on US soil back then.
You're right, Gamma Ray is as equally important, and yes Kai Hansen toured here with Helloween in the 80' it's not his first time, just with Gamma Ray....

IMO, then, so I can clear this up, I think it's much more special to see BG's first ever show than Kai Hansen, who yes, single handedly started Power Metal, but...IMO, I feel BG's success is greater than that of GR...BG has shown more growth and maturation than Kai...
But why compare one against the other? This is the occasion to take your pie AND eat all of it!! :)

I count the importance of BG, Gamma Ray, Edguy, and Angra collectively. :D
Just so I have this correct: You guys are going to see the concert of a lifetime on U.S. soil and you're gonna do it stoned? Am I on track here?
Originally posted by Euro Metal Fan
Not just stoned, LACED...


How can you really :headbang: if you're :Smokin: ?

Don't :Smokin: --- Cause then you'll be like :guh: and that's just not fun and then I'll have to :Shedevil: !!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Truely.... I think it's not just a privleage, but also an honor to have the lineup we do this year! (thanks Mr. H!) :worship:

I think everyone playing this festival has more relevance than another in their own unique way. But the bottom Line is that EVERYONE playing the fest is bring something special to all of us as fans! :D

And let us not forget that this is literally a family reunion! I really can't decide what I'm more excited for...seeing the gig or hanging out with everyone attending!

Although I'm not a toker, I'm sure to have a few drinks, and am most certainly going have a good time... it's all prog...all metal...all weekend!

Dont' forget to tip your waiters and waitress and please visit the CD venors becuase they really, REALLY want to take your money!
I know they'll be taking mine!

I probably sound really old in this note, but isn't it a little strange that you guys are admitting to smuggling dope into the gig?

I mean, I know we're all using psuedonyms here, and Glenn doesn't truly know who we are (although I have nothing to hide), but aren't you just going to cause security clearance to go crazy at the door now that you've written all these messages?!!

I mean, hello?

By the way, I'm not anti-drug or anything, I'm just not understanding the need to advertise it!!