Does it matter what kind of beer to put in beer bread?


nursing my wounds
Apr 15, 2002
The Ridge
Me mums got me this beer bread kit, and I'd really like to bake some fresh tasty bread today, but how much does the type/flavor/style of the beer you use affect the overall taste of the bread?

Help a brotha' out!
I would think a fair amount. Puttin' Bud in there is like water I guess... Try a porter or stout but then again that's kinda wasting good beer IMO

I made bread with beer once but that was just because I was out of milk and I had this awful, awful 2,8% light lager shit beer that I wasn't going to drink EVER because it was fucking awful so I put it in the god damn bread instead and it turned out OK but it doesn't taste much of beer (because the beer didn't)
yeah, i mean there's probably no reason to buy expensive snobby stouts for this purpose either either. something like guinness or murphy's will do nicely i'd bet
Trader Joe's man, Trader Joe's.

Guinness is like $7.99 / 4pack and I rarely spend more than that for a 6er. Usually more like $4.99.
Guinness 4-packs are I think $7 at my local, same price as the 6-pack of bottles for whatever reason. Bottles might be $8. But all the so-called "snobbish" porter/stouts are $8 or higher.

Saranac is only $5/6-pack.
Man, I know you can find some cheaper shitz, or at least some local brewer shitz, because the northeast has great shit. Doomcifer always drinks them shitz!

Although maybe he's paying more than I realize, I dunno. :dopey: