Does No One Care??


Dragon of the Aesir
Mar 3, 2002
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You left me for dead
After ripping out my heart
When I never treated you badly

I give all that I can
My last dollar to a friend
Never to recieve
Not a single thing

I had so much faith
Just to be left with questions
I prayed and prayed
Yet my pain raged on

I cry tears no one sees
I scream for help no one hears
I thrash in fustration
How could you understand?

In pain I'm alive
In dreams I'm well
All alone with no one to know
No one would understand

The only way to get out alive
Is suicide
No honor in that
My Gods would forbid me entry

But this pain!!!!!
How can I live?
My scars are badges of strength
Reminders of misery

"Life isn't that bad"
They all scream; what do they know?
"Find the meaning of exsistence"
You don't think I haven't tried!?!

There's no life down here
No happiness or joy
Is this punshiment?
A test? Mistake? Or an experiment?

I'm left behind
No time to laugh
Dying from the inside out
All alone with my demons

No one cares
Why won't they help me?
Clip my razor blade wings
I beg thee to show mercy!!!