Does Seeing A Band Live Enhance Your Listening Experience Afterwards?


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
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You love a bands work - Opeth for example. You've listened to all their albums, and you know every song and every lyric.

Finally - you see them live. It's a great show - the best ever.

Then you go home, and the next day start listening to the albums again. Is the listening now different? Is it any more than just being able to say: "Wow, I actually saw them perform that song".
I've developed more of an appreciation for some bands after seeing them live. Opeth is one of them. I liked them before, but Drapery Falls hit me especially hard when I heard it live and opened up a new understanding of the music for me. When a band performs well (I mean accurately and emotionally more so than theatrics and that kind of thing) it increases my respect for them.
But of course, bands that suck live - it kind of taints my opinion of them afterward.
Well, I can't comment on 'LIVE' live, cause no fucking bands come to New Zealand :(

But seeing a few performances on video, it can have an impact. For instance, Anathema. I liked all their other stuff (this is a few years ago, so do not include the new album in this!), but couldn't get into 'The Silent Enigma'- a couple of cool songs, but otherwise it was boring. Then I got hold of their live video, where they do a ton of songs off that album, now I'm blown away by it. Seeing it performed live made the songs make total sense. And this was even after owning the cd for a year. I love every song on it now.
Well, I fell in love with "Demon Of The Fall" when Opeth
played it live. I had listened to it loads before seeing
them, but when the crowd started some easy moshing
and jumping during that song... It was just special! :eek:)))

Other than that I always have problems listening to a
band's cd's after seeing them live... I just can't get
myself to do it. Seeing a band live is like a closure! I
don't need them anymore.... It's weird... Maybe "only"
listening to the albums isn't enough anymore? It suck,
cause I still love the songs etc. But.... Well, this was
more the case when I was into rock and indie.
With metal I can get myself to listen to the bands after
seeing them live... Cause well, there's no way I'm NOT
listening to Opeth!! :eek:) And after seeing Iced Earth live
I got a huge kick and listened to one of their older
releases all day :eek:)

Hm.... And, after seeing a band live, and IF I can get
myself to put on one of their albums all the memories
from their gig pops up and it's all good >:eek:)
Well, the first metal show I saw was in Toronto two nov 20'ths ago haha . anyway I didn't ever listen to Nevermore before then but when I saw the guitarist playing an extremely hard solo without is b string it just blew me away .. ( I now own 3 of there albums ) ... before I In Flames came on I (of course) already knew about them and owned 2 of there albums at that point . But seeing them live was overwhelming . After that I had more respect for them .. way more respect .

Tell me if that didn't make any sense i'm hungover and half asleep .
Smashing Pumpkins - Nov 4th 2000. fuck that changed the whole meaning of the new album, it was completely different and brilliant, no other band has given the same effect, Katatonia came close though.
Well i dont have many examples to talk about cause no bands come to my little corner of australia... and im to poor to travel as well :(

Butttt. when i was really young my dad took me to a Dire Straits concert.. id heard of them before and never really thought much ofthem... anyway after the concert i was crazed about them, fell in love with them... and immediately as i got home i took my dads tape and played it........ and was huuuggggggelllllly dissapointed, it was so empty and lacked all the emotionand depth that the live performance had... it took me ages to be able to listen to their songs again..

and then they brought out "on the night" which is the live CD from that tour that i saw.. and its still one of my favourite CDs of all time...

I really, really hate going to shows now. When I was younger I enjoyed them, but the experience is kind of overshadowed by the fact that I'm surrounded by fat, stinky, pot smoking people. I'd rather listen to the music in my bedroom. It seems to me that it is rather hard to capture the feeling of most music in a live situation.
Talking about Opeth.. I really liked this band before seeing them live. But then I fell in love with them.. I admire and respect them for their musical genius. They just left me speechless, and that was not what I had expected of them, but you already know that stuff :)
Morever I couldn't decide which is my favourite album/song and the concert helped a bit. "When" is just AMAZING!!