does such a device exist????


Jan 4, 2010
an intelligent frequency analyzer/'track notcher'

basically a concept I came up with the other day, an external add-on (wouldn't work as a simple insert plugin) that allows you to feed multiple tracks into a big frequency analyzer, which creates a seperate line for each track, and allows you to intelligently craft every band of the EQ of each track to fit in with one another?? this would be done after primary EQ and compression etc, and mainly used as a subtle effect to optimize air, overall track headroom and theoretically should increase punch, clarity and loudness all in one. you could also use it for things like vocals or guitar leads, where you mix a track that you want to stand out yet sit well into an existing mix using automatic EQ notching, where it detects voids in the existing overall EQ of the bus'd track and then fits the individual track you are putting on top of it automatically by compensating for the existing EQ notches, utilizing every possible frequency of the sonic spectrum. the effect could be likened to applying smooth plaster over a stucco wall.

I know I am essentially describing multiband compression, but surely no product exists that allows you to do all of the above in one program, with an easilly laid out frequency analyzer type display/interface?? the 'stucco' effect has to be a new one. this whole process would ideally take place in between mixing and mastering. i have searched far and wide for such a product, because if it does exist im buying it asap. if not, im patenting that shit.
I've also discovered long time ago that it's not because what you see on the spectrum analyser seems to look good and you expect that it will mix well that it will. In the end, spectrum analyser are just an help, and I'm really not sure that any automation could do miracles on that.