Does this sound like poop?

The drums could use a little more room sound/verb. Overheads could come up a little too.

I want to say the guitars need a tiny bit more high end crunch/clarity, but it's up to you. They sound very good though.
Ok well i guess this is were I'm having problems in all my mixes. I'm trying to keep the eq spectrum balanced and not have the kick drum/lows to much higher then everything else. I want a nice even balance on everything across the spectrum. Ive been really trying to watch a spectrum analyzer and It seems if the kick has meat it just soars above the rest of the eq spectrum by quite a few dbs. Then it hits the limiter and stuff early and has just been a pain trying to get right and get some volume out of my mix. Now the guitars I'm really having trouble trying to make them thick and clear. It seems like I have the same problems every time in my mixes. I guess I'm kinda stuck in a rut and its really starting to bug me....

Not sure how much you guys can help me much based on what Ive said.......

Someone who is good at mixing pm me and maybe i can get you the individual tracks and have you give me some pointers on what I'm doing wrong mixing!

I wish i could just post the tracks for everyone on here but I'm not sure the band would want me to do such a thing. I can always ask them though on Monday....
Im diggin the snare. And the guitars sound pretty good in this.
The bass drum needs a little ummph.
Try fooling around with a low and high pass filter. And play with the compression a bit to see if you can get the kick too come out more.
How'd you record the guitars?