D'oh, full on retard move.....


Sep 12, 2007
So yesterday I get down to the studio, turn on all the gear. Fuck yeah, i'm gonna dial in a badass guitar tone. Mic it up, tune up, start moving the mic around. sounds good in the phones, let's record a take and listen back. So there I go riffing it up, sounds tits.

Playback. WTF why is it all warbly? FUCK. Change the mic, check the preamp, one of the line out cables is not fully in. OK let's try again. FUCK same warbly sound.

Is it the grill on the cabinet. Take that bitch off. Record again. Same fucking shit.

BTW this is about 1 1/2 hrs later. Oh what is it......the fucking cocksucking compressor I left on the main out when I was chopping up drumsamples. DOH!

Put grill back on, mic it back up...everything goes as expected. Go figure.

What a waste of a morning, I could have shot myself in the face right then. Guess I shoulda chilled on the wake and bake and put my thinking cap on.
Happens to the best of us, man. Sessions can have so much going on that you just become absent minded after a while. My thoughts are normal racing between a dozen different things at any one time.

ive recorded perfect takes, then realized my instrument track for the kick trigger wasn`t enabled :ill:

On a recent session I was recording a D6 and Yamaha subkick for the kick drum. I recorded 7 songs, and when I went to mix the next day I noticed I had only armed the subkick track once :cry:

So yeah, no subkick went on that demo.....
"Ok, we'll have to do that again, but this time I'll make sure the Overheads are recorded too. No, you played great but I fucked up, sorry. Ok, here we go.... oops, forgot to enable the click..."
Not as bad as the time I nearly deafened a former band member during a backing vocal tracking session by turning on phantom power to channel 1 of my old MOTU 828 Mk I while his vocal mic was being live monitored through his headphones. POP!!!!
Not as bad as the time I nearly deafened a former band member during a backing vocal tracking session by turning on phantom power to channel 1 of my old MOTU 828 Mk I while his vocal mic was being live monitored through his headphones. POP!!!!

Hahahahahahahahaha, oy :lol:
The other day I was jamming around testing a friend's 5150+ with his Mesa OS cab, with my Caparison and we were absolutely amazed on the sound, so we wanted to try to use some Recabinet impulses with it to see how does Recab work on real tubes (I've always used Revalver...). So I took a cable and plugged it on my interface input, and then to the Preamp Out on the 5150.

Turned everything on, and as usual, nothing sounds.
I check cable, guitar volume, post lead, everything.
Check input on computer, enabled. No sound at all (at the computer).

I think: OK, let's try the FX send. So I go to the amp and take the wrong one by accident: the speaker one.
And plugged it on the FX Send. Nothing sounded. I was like OMG WTF??
I looked what I did then, and my face was something like ¯\(°_o)/¯

I fucked up my friend's 5150 on a single move :lol::cry:
I've done the ame thing many times. Hahaha. Definitely chill on the wake and bake. I usually wait till I'm ready for mixin befor I hit the bong.