Doing the MP3 shuffle...

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
For those of you with MP3 players, or for those who listen to a lot of music while on the PC, how much time do you spend listening to specific CDs and how much time do you shuffle?

Erik said:
shuffle most of the time. what usually happens is a song i really want to listen to comes on random, and then i realize i want to listen to that entire album, so i queue it, and after it's done i let it go to shuffle again
good point, I do that a lot too
I never shuffle. Mostly because I'm not gay, but also because I like listening to an entire album.

By the way, here's a cool device that hooks up to your computer and transmits an FM signal to any stereo in your house. I have one, and it works great. Very good reception . . . of course there's only like 4 radio stations where I live.
My mp3 player lets me do dynamic playlists on any SQL attribute that the mp3s have. So I do random albums and listen all the way through. Only problem is that it some bands have done albums with the same name. but thats not that bad.
A well thought out mixtape is certainly a grand thing, but I would never put shuffle on par with such a work of art.
I shuffle a lot to find random bands I've downloaded but didn't remember to listen to, haha.

haha that's exactly why I shuffle as well. I must have 1-2 songs by 2 bajillion black metal bands that I forgot are actually on my iPod. The only way I ever hear them is thru the ol' shuffaloo